Elevated blood lead level (EBL) means an excessive absorption of lead that is a confirmed concentration of lead in whole blood of 20 µg/dl (micrograms of lead per deciliter of whole blood) for a single venous test or of 15-19 µg/dl in two consecutive tests taken three to four months apart.
Flood-related erosion area management means the operation of an overall program of corrective and preventive measures for reducing flood-related erosion damage, including but not limited to emergency preparedness plans, flood-related erosion control works and floodplain management regulations.
Flood-related erosion means the collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or other body of water as a result of undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels or suddenly caused by an unusually high water level in a natural body of water, accompanied by a severe storm, or by an unanticipated force of nature, such as a flash flood, or by some similarly unusual and unforeseeable event which results in flooding.
Flood Elevation Study means an examination, evaluation and determination of flood hazards and, if appropriate, corresponding water surface elevations, or an examination, evaluation and determination of mudslide (i.e., mudflow) or flood-related erosion hazards.
Child psychiatrist means a person having a license as a
Drug-dependent person means a person who is using a
Peer Recovery Specialist/Counselor means an individual who has been through the same or similar Recovery process as those he/she is now assisting to attain their Recovery goals while getting paid for this function by the program. A Peer Recovery Specialist/Counselor’s practice is informed by his/her own experience.
Non-Participating Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist means a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist who does not have a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.
Clinical psychologist means a person who practices clinical psychology as defined in § 54.1-3600.
Participating Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist means a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist who has a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.
Base Flood Elevation (BFE means a determination of the water surface elevations of the base flood as published in the Flood Insurance Study. When the BFE has not been provided in a “Special Flood Hazard Area”, it may be obtained from engineering studies available from a Federal, State, or other source using FEMA approved engineering methodologies. This elevation, when combined with the “Freeboard”, establishes the “Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation”.
Autism spectrum disorder means a neuro-developmental condition typically appearing in the first three years of life that significantly affects a person's ability to communicate, understand relationships and relate to others, and is frequently associated with unusual or stereotypical rituals or behaviours.
Base flood elevation (BFE) means the elevation shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map for Zones AE, AH, A1-30, VE and V1-V30 that indicates the water surface elevation resulting from a flood that has a 1-percent or greater chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year.
Excess Special Hazard Loss Any Special Hazard Loss, or portion thereof, that exceeds the then applicable Special Hazard Amount.
Reconstructive breast surgery means surgery performed as a result of a mastectomy to reestablish symmetry between the two breasts and includes augmentation mammoplasty, reductive mammoplasty, and mastopexy.
Covered Dependent means a Dependent whose coverage is in effect. It does not include a Dependent whose coverage has ended.
Floodplain or flood-prone area means any land area susceptible to being inundated by water from any source. See "Flood or flooding."
Maximum residual disinfectant level or “MRDL” means a level of a disinfectant added for water treatment that may not be exceeded at the consumer’s tap without an unacceptable possibility of adverse health effects.
Participating Home Infusion Therapy Provider means a Home Infusion Therapy Provider who has a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.
Co-occurring disorder specialist means an individual
Mental, Nervous or Psychological Disorder means a mental or nervous health condition including, but not limited to: anxiety, depression, neurosis, phobia, psychosis; or any related physical manifestation.
Distribution Compliance Period with respect to any Notes, means the period of 40 consecutive days beginning on and including the later of (i) the day on which such Notes are first offered to Persons other than distributors (as defined in Regulation S under the Securities Act) in reliance on Regulation S and (ii) the issue date with respect to such Notes.
Non-Participating Home Infusion Therapy Provider means a Home Infusion Therapy Provider who does not have a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.
Participating Certified Nurse-Midwife means a Certified Nurse-Midwife who has a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.
ionising radiation means the transfer of energy in the form of particles or electromagnetic waves of a wavelength of 100 nanometres or less or a frequency of 3 x 1015 hertz or more capable of producing ions directly or indirectly;
Area of special flood hazard means the land in the floodplain within a community subject to a one percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year.