Examples of Eligible districts in a sentence
Eligible districts that were invited to participate in the study were under no obligation to participate, and only some of them (10 of 71) agreed to do so.
Eligible districts that plan to use the supplement funding made available to continue services consistent with the SFY 10-11 Transitional Jobs 2 plan approved by OTDA must submit a plan narrative addendum (Attachment C) to reflect the total number of participants to be served, and the revised program period.
Eligible districts include designated commercial revitalization areas, Retail Business District License areas (RBDL), Main Street Districts, and Main Street Affiliates.
The ISP is calculated using the following formula: Identified Students________________ = ISP Enrolled Students LEAs can access April 1, 2023 district and school level eligibility by viewing the Annual Publication of Eligible and Near Eligible districts and sites on the webpage https://www.azed.gov/hns/nslp under the Required State Reporting accordion.
Eligible districts may become a party to this Agreement pursuant to the Bylaws of the Agency.
Eligible districts that do not complete and submit an application by that time forfeit their portion of entitlement funds.
This Court has jurisdiction over this appeal pursuant to 29 U.S.C. § 1291 because the court of appeals has jurisdiction of appeals from all final decisions of the district courts of the United States.
Eligible districts that opt for the healthy food certification are currently receiving approximately 10 cents per lunch, based on the total number of reimbursable lunches (paid, free and reduced) served in the district in the prior school year.
The program trains and deploys experienced educator teams with “knowledge and skills… in school leadership, management, curriculum, and instruction… to help eligible schools and districts improve the quality of education.” Eligible districts have schools in corrective action or have not met AYP targets for all students enrolled or among identifiable subgroups over time.
Eligible districts must show a financial need beyond available county revenue.