Eligible Investment Grade or Insured Accounts definition

Eligible Investment Grade or Insured Accounts means Eligible Accounts that are either: (i) payable by an Investment Grade Debtor; or (ii) insured with an insurer which is acceptable to Lender on terms satisfactory to Lender in its sole discretion.

Related to Eligible Investment Grade or Insured Accounts

  • Eligible Investment Required Ratings means, in the case of each Eligible Investment, a short-term credit rating of at least “A-1” (or, in the absence of a short-term credit rating, “AA-” or better) from S&P.

  • Eligible Investment means any investment that at the time of its acquisition is one or more of the following:

  • Eligible Investments Any one or more of the obligations and securities listed below which investment provides for a date of maturity not later than the Determination Date in each month:

  • Liquidity Account Investments means Deposit Securities or any other security or investment owned by the Fund that is rated not less than A3 by Moody’s, A- by Standard & Poor’s, A- by Fitch or an equivalent rating by any other NRSRO (or any such rating’s future equivalent) or if not rated, determined by the Adviser to be of comparable quality.

  • Collateral Accounts means any and all accounts established and maintained by the Pledgee in the name of any Pledgor to which Collateral may be credited.

  • Eligible Account Any of (i) an account or accounts maintained with a federal or state chartered depository institution or trust company the short-term unsecured debt obligations of which (or, in the case of a depository institution or trust company that is the principal subsidiary of a holding company, the debt obligations of such holding company) have the highest short-term ratings of each Rating Agency at the time any amounts are held on deposit therein, or (ii) an account or accounts in a depository institution or trust company in which such accounts are insured by the FDIC or the SAIF (to the limits established by the FDIC or the SAIF, as applicable) and the uninsured deposits in which accounts are otherwise secured such that, as evidenced by an Opinion of Counsel delivered to the Trustee and to each Rating Agency, the Certificateholders have a claim with respect to the funds in such account or a perfected first priority security interest against any collateral (which shall be limited to Permitted Investments) securing such funds that is superior to claims of any other depositors or creditors of the depository institution or trust company in which such account is maintained, or (iii) a trust account or accounts maintained with (a) the trust department of a federal or state chartered depository institution or (b) a trust company, acting in its fiduciary capacity or (iv) any other account acceptable to each Rating Agency. Eligible Accounts may bear interest, and may include, if otherwise qualified under this definition, accounts maintained with the Trustee.

  • Swap Collateral Account means a single, segregated trust account in the name of the Indenture Trustee, which shall be designated as the “Swap Collateral Account” which shall be held in trust for the benefit of the Noteholders established pursuant to Section 4.8(e) of the Sale and Servicing Agreement.]

  • Investment Grade means a rating of Baa3 or better by Moody’s (or its equivalent under any successor rating categories of Moody’s); a rating of BBB- or better by S&P (or its equivalent under any successor rating categories of S&P); and the equivalent investment grade credit rating from any additional Rating Agency or Rating Agencies selected by the Company.

  • Qualified Account means an Account of Borrower generated in the ordinary course of Borrower's business from the sale of goods or rendition of medical services which Lender, in its sole credit judgment, deems to be a Qualified Account. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no Account shall be a Qualified Account if: (a) the Account or any portion thereof is payable by an individual beneficiary, recipient or subscriber individually and not directly to Borrower by a Medicaid/Medicare Account Debtor or commercial medical insurance carrier acceptable to Lender in its sole discretion; (b) the Account remains unpaid more than one hundred twenty (120) days past the claim or invoice date; (c) the Account is subject to any defense, set-off, counterclaim, deduction, discount, credit, chargeback, freight claim, allowance, or adjustment of any kind; (d) any part of any goods the sale of which has given rise to the Account has been returned, rejected, lost, or damaged; (e) if the Account arises from the sale of goods by Borrower, such sale was not an absolute sale or on consignment or on approval or on a sale-or-return basis or subject to any other repurchase or return agreement, or such goods have not been shipped to the Account Debtor or its designee; (f) if the Account arises from the performance of services, such services have not been actually been performed or were undertaken in violation of any law; (g) the Account is subject to a lien other than a Permitted Lien; (h) Borrower knows or should have known of the bankruptcy, receivership, reorganization, or insolvency of the Account Debtor; (i) the Account is evidenced by chattel paper or an instrument of any kind, or has been reduced to judgment; (j) the Account is an Account of an Account Debtor having its principal place of business or executive office outside the United States; (k) the Account Debtor is an Affiliate or Subsidiary of Borrower; (l) more than ten percent (10%) of the aggregate balance of all Accounts owing from the Account Debtor obligated on the Account are outstanding more than one hundred fifty (150) days past their invoice date; (m) fifty percent (50%) or more of the aggregate unpaid Accounts from any individual Account Debtor are not deemed Qualified Accounts hereunder; (n) the total unpaid Accounts of the Account Debtor, except for a Medicaid/Medicare Account Debtor, exceed twenty percent (20%) of the net amount of all Qualified Accounts (including Medicaid/Medicare Account Debtors); (o) any covenant, representation or warranty contained in the Loan Documents with respect to such Account has been breached; or (p) the Account fails to meet such other specifications and requirements which may from time to time be established by Lender.

  • Investment Grade Credit Rating means (i) a Credit Rating of Baa3 or higher given by Xxxxx’x, (ii) a Credit Rating of BBB- or higher given by S&P or (iii) a Credit Rating of BBB- or higher given by Fitch.

  • Investment Grade Securities means:

  • LC Collateral Account has the meaning assigned to such term in Section 2.06(j).

  • Liquid Investments means (a) readily marketable direct full faith and credit obligations of the United States of America or obligations unconditionally guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the United States of America; (b) commercial paper issued by (i) any Lender or any Affiliate of any Lender or (ii) any commercial banking institutions or corporations rated at least P-1 by Moody’s or A-1 by S&P; (c) certificates of deposit, time deposits, and bankers’ acceptances issued by (i) any of the Lenders or (ii) any other commercial banking institution which is a member of the Federal Reserve System and has a combined capital and surplus and undivided profits of not less than $250,000,000 and rated Aa by Moody’s or AA by S&P; (d) repurchase agreements which are entered into with any of the Lenders or any major money center banks included in the commercial banking institutions described in clause (c) and which are secured by readily marketable direct full faith and credit obligations of the government of the United States of America or any agency thereof; (e) investments in any money market fund which holds investments substantially of the type described in the foregoing clauses (a) through (d); (f) readily and immediately available cash held in any money market account maintained with any Lender; provided that, such money market accounts and the funds therein shall be unencumbered and free and clear of all Liens and other third party rights other than a Lien in favor of the Administrative Agent pursuant to the Security Documents; and (g) other investments made through the Administrative Agent or its Affiliates and approved by the Administrative Agent. All the Liquid Investments described in clauses (a) through (d) above shall have maturities of not more than 365 days from the date of issue.

  • Eligible Accounts means Accounts which arise in the ordinary course of Borrower’s business that meet all Borrower’s representations and warranties in Section 5.3. Bank reserves the right at any time after the Effective Date to adjust any of the criteria set forth below and to establish new criteria in its good faith business judgment. Unless Bank otherwise agrees in writing, Eligible Accounts shall not include:

  • Other Rating Agency Eligible Assets means assets of the Company designated by any Other Rating Agency as eligible for inclusion in calculating the Agency Discounted Value of the Company’s assets in connection with such Other Rating Agency’s rating of any series of MRP Shares.

  • Liquidity Provider Ratings Event means the Liquidity Provider shall fail to maintain at any time short-term debt ratings in one of the two highest rating categories from the Requisite NRSROs.

  • Approved Deposit Account means a Deposit Account that is the subject of an effective Deposit Account Control Agreement and that is maintained by any Loan Party with a Deposit Account Bank. “Approved Deposit Account” includes all monies on deposit in a Deposit Account and all certificates and instruments, if any, representing or evidencing such Deposit Account.

  • Investment Provider means any commercial bank or trust company, bank holding company, investment company or other entity (which may include the Trustee, the Bond Registrar or the Paying Agent), whose credit rating (or the equivalent of such rating by virtue of guarantees or insurance arrangements) by each nationally recognized Rating Agency then rating the Class I Bonds is sufficiently high to maintain the then current rating on such Bonds by such Rating Agency or is otherwise acceptable to each such Rating Agency in order to maintain the then current rating on such Bonds by such Rating Agency, which Investment Providers shall be approved by the Authority for the purpose of providing investment agreements.

  • Facility LC Collateral Account is defined in Section 2.19.11.

  • Investment Grade Status shall occur when the Notes receive two of the following:

  • Concentration Accounts has the meaning ascribed to it in Annex C.

  • Investment Accounts means the Collateral Account, Securities Accounts, Commodities Accounts and Deposit Accounts.

  • Investment Grade Rating Event means the first day on which the Notes have an Investment Grade Rating from each Rating Agency, and no Default has occurred and is then continuing under this Indenture.

  • Trust Accounts has the meaning assigned thereto in Section 5.1.

  • Liquidity Provider Ratings Event Termination Date means the date established by the Tender and Paying Agent, acting upon instructions of the Fund pursuant to the Tender and Paying Agent Agreement, for termination of the VRDP Purchase Agreement upon the occurrence of a Liquidity Provider Ratings Event, which date shall be not less than 16 days nor more than 30 days following such Liquidity Provider Ratings Event.

  • Permissible Investment means the investments specified by the Employer as available for investment of assets of the Trust and agreed to by the Trustee. The Permissible Investments under the Plan shall be listed in the Service Agreement.