Examples of Eligible site in a sentence
EXAMPLE: ABC Elementary School 75% and other data if needed Yes Yes 140 total number of enrolled students (October 1st) 140 total enrollment x 30% = 42 regular attendees Yes Yes 42 regular attendees x 120 days x $10 per student = $50,400 $50,400 Yes Yes- Eligible site for 21st CCLC funding.
Eligible site preparation activities include barricades, mobilization, surveying and temporary controls.
In addition, the NOFA stated goals included the following: • Construction start in 2026.• Interim Use through 2025.• Maximizing density.• City Subsidy of no more than $350k per unit (with acquisition).• A 25% LOSP set aside.• Fulfilling Racial Equity goals.• Eligible site control mechanism.• Opportunity for City to own underlying land.• Rents restricted at an average of 60% MOHCD AMI for the life of the project (reference: soft debt loan term).
If MARAD, Signatories, and Concurring Parties agree the site is not eligible for the NRHP or that an Eligible site is not being adversely affected, then construction activities may proceed.
Afterschool Snack Program – Area Eligible site operators were checking students off and putting counts into a spreadsheet.