Eligible Structure definition
Examples of Eligible Structure in a sentence
This arrangement is only permitted when space is legitimately exhausted inside the Eligible Structure and to the extent technically feasible.
Each Dedicated Space within an Eligible Structure will be considered a single Dedicated Space for the application of rates according to this Appendix.
Denotes when all space in a Central Office (CO) or other Eligible Structure that can be used to locate telecommunications equipment via physical collocation is completely occupied.
The termination point in the Eligible Structure between cables from the outside, tied down on one side of the frame, and internal lines, tied down on the other side of the frame.
Sometimes inappropriately called a cross-connect, this is a cable connection between a Collocator’s collocated equipment in a Physical or Virtual Collocation arrangement and its own or another Collocator’s physically or virtually collocated equipment, located within the Eligible Structure (see Cross Connect, 2.6).