Implementation Grant definition
Examples of Implementation Grant in a sentence
Projects which have received a Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant should insert evidence of that award here.
Because award recipients under this program may be first-time recipients of Federal funding, DOT is committed to implementing the program as flexibly as permitted by statute and to providing assistance to help award recipients through the process of securing a grant agreement and delivering both Action Plan activities and Implementation Grant projects and strategies.
Once every Implementation Grant application has been assigned an overall rating based on the methodology above, all “Highly Recommended” applications will be included in a list of Applications for Consideration.
Project Readiness focuses on the extent to which the applicant will be able to substantially execute and complete the full scope of work in the Implementation Grant application within five (5) years of when the grant is executed.
In a community based study conducted online in Nepal, 4 out of 10 respondents were of below 30 years of age and nearly 2 out of 3 were males, which is different from this study conducted in the two communities of Kathmandu valley (Shrestha et al., 2020a).