Examples of Elimination Tournament in a sentence
Please make note that some of these amounts may have to be paid within 72 hours of winning the Provincial Elimination Tournament.
At the start of each day of the Elimination Tournament the Promoter shall match Contestants closely in their weight class; however, the Commission must approve all bouts and matches.
The number of teams advancing to the Elimination Tournament will be decided by each Regional Coordinator, but will be no more than 32 and no fewer than 8 teams.
In order to reach a National Championship Tournament, a Baseball Oakville Rep team must first participate in a Provincial Elimination Tournament.
The ring Ek†n∈Z n n ∈– there exists ε > 0, depending on f , such that for any 1 < Q < 1 + ε we have limn→±∞ |an|Qn = 0;– supn |an| is bounded;is actually a field with residue field Fq((x)).