Examples of Unrestricted area in a sentence
Unrestricted area (uncontrolled area)--An area, or access to, which is neither limited nor controlled by the licensee.
Areas surveyed; comparison of data with licensee’s results and regulations; and instrument type and calibration date) Hot Lab area: 0.1mr/hr (Maximum) Imaging area: 0.02mr/hr Unrestricted area: 0.02mr/hrBkg: 0.02mr/hrReadings compared well with licensee results.
A.2 Unrestricted area means any area access to, which is neither limited nor controlled by the licensee or registrant.
Figure 7.2-1 Unrestricted area boundary has been moved to the shore line since no control can be exerted on the lake.
Step 1: Determine the Dose In The Unrestricted Area Determine the location in an unrestricted area where a member of the public would receive the highest dose from licensed operations (Unrestricted area means an area, access to which is neither limited nor controlled by the licensee).