Unrestricted area definition
Examples of Unrestricted area in a sentence
Areas surveyed; comparison of data with licensee’s results and regulations; and instrument type and calibration date) Hot Lab area: 0.1mr/hr (Maximum) Imaging area: 0.02mr/hr Unrestricted area: 0.02mr/hrBkg: 0.02mr/hrReadings compared well with licensee results.
Unrestricted area (uncontrolled area)--An area, or access to, which is neither limited nor controlled by the licensee.
Unrestricted area limits will be met for unconditional release of items or equipment from a Restricted Area, such as, a laboratory which is designated as a Radioactive Materials Area.
Step 1: Determine the Dose In The Unrestricted Area Determine the location in an unrestricted area where a member of the public would receive the highest dose from licensed operations (Unrestricted area means an area, access to which is neither limited nor controlled by the licensee).
A.2 Unrestricted area means any area access to, which is neither limited nor controlled by the licensee or registrant.