Emission Scheme definition
Examples of Emission Scheme in a sentence
Responsible Consumption and Production Clean transportationPublic• Examples include rail tram, electric and/or hybrid buses, ferries, metro and othersPrivate• Examples include clean vehicles that are electric or hybrid that are classified as A1 or A2 band under Government of Singapore’s Vehicular Emission Scheme (VES) or equivalent in other countriesInfrastructure• Examples include expansion of train or metro networks, projects in relation to capacity improvement, station upgrade) and othersSDG 11.
Modelling the Atmospheric Dust Cycle 1 Design of a Soil-Derived Dust Emission Scheme.
Making an independent international authority of some kind responsible for the Shipping Emission Scheme would make sure that the rules were interpreted unilaterally and it would be a relief to states with small resources and ability to monitor the new scheme.
In addition, Phase II of the new Vehicle Emission Scheme was implemented on 1 July 2018.
Road taxes for BEVs and PHEVs should ideally be exempted or significantly be reduced compared to an ICE vehicle.• The government should continue with CO2 based taxation schemes – such as the Vehicular Emission Scheme (VES)– to promote sustainable vehicles.
The CBD Secretariat is not an observer, and some said it should be up to members to describe how they are imple- menting the CBD and its recently agreed Nagoya Protocol.EU Extends Emission Scheme to AirlinesTensions are building over the EU’s decision to extend their Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) to aviation.
The bus element of the Surrey Ultra-Low and Zero Emission Scheme is £32.3m of capital funding with an additional £9m which will go into bus priority measures.
For the period 1 January 2014 to 30 June 2014, the prices charged in accordance with clause 5 are to include the additional amount of 0.66 cents per kilolitre in relation to the Greenhouse Gas Emission Scheme.
District teachers with more than three year experience shall be observed at least every other year.
This Charter Party is concluded on the basis of an Emission Scheme Surcharge calculated on the basis of [insert currency and amount] per Emission Allowance under the applicable Emission Scheme.