Examples of Enabling Act in a sentence
All rent, interest, or income from land, money, or property, donated or granted by the United States and allocated to specific institutions of higher learning under the terms of the Enabling Act and the Constitution of North Dakota must be deposited in the special revenue fund of each institution and expended in accordance with section 1 of article IX of the Constitution of North Dakota.
Pursuant to the Enabling Act, ownership of the real property of the MDC sewer and waterworks systems was not transferred from the Commonwealth to the Authority; however, the Authority has the right to use, improve, maintain, and manage that property.
The Authority’s Enabling Act requires funding to be made in accordance with the Retirement Board’s recommendation.
The majority of the Authority’s billings to cities and towns are subject to, in the event of nonpayment, the local aid intercept allowed by the Enabling Act.
The Authority is required by the Enabling Act to establish user rates for its water and sewer services which provide sufficient funds to recover the costs of operations (excluding depreciation), debt service, maintenance, replacements, improvements to its facilities, and appropriate reserves.