Examples of Engineering Regulations in a sentence
This collection of publications is the single official repository for official Engineering Regulations (ERs), Engineering Circulars (ECs), Engineering Manuals (EMs) and other official public documents originating from Headquarters U.S. Army Corps of Engineers This drawing standards manual establishes the conventions to be adhered to by engineering and drafting personnel in the preparation, revision, and completion of engineering drawings.
The person commencing and conducting such work shall take all necessary safety precautions for the protection of the public and the direction and control of traffic, and shall insure that work is accomplished according to City Engineering Regulations, the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and other applicable laws, regulations, or generally recognized practices in the industry.
This includes:□ All applicable deeds□ Form #2□ Declaration of Covenant□ Agreement to Comply Form□ All applicable agreements□ Any other documents related to the project.The originally executed documents must be returned to the City for acceptance and processing.■ Construction of utilities in accordance with the City Engineering Regulations, the City-approved plans, and terms and conditions of the Project Approval Letter.
Products will be reviewed against published guidance, including Engineering Regulations, Circulars, Manuals, Engineering Technical letters and Bulletins.
Dependant on the agreed delegation of TAw responsibilities TAM may be read in place of TAA as appropriate throughout this RA.28 Refer to RA 5820 – Changes to Type Design.29 Refer to the RA 5000 Series: Type Airworthiness Engineering Regulations.
The products will be reviewed against published guidance, including Engineering Regulations, Engineering Circulars, Engineering Manuals, Engineering Technical Letters, Engineering Construction Bulletins, Policy Guidance Letters, implementation guidance, project guidance memoranda, and other formal guidance memoranda issued by HQUSACE.
Fastenings must conform to the Engineering Regulations of the current adopted edition of the International Building Code.
A stream of research has been conducted to quantify the profound and far-reaching implications of AVs on the transportation system, society, and the economy [15, 17, 22, 42, 53, 89, 120].
The USCG Electrical Engineering Regulations (Subchapter J, 46 CFR 110-113) contain information regarding shipboard wiring practices that must be followed in all cases when installing new equipment or making modifications.It is also important to note that electrical equipment (e.g., starters, alternators, distributors) installed on gasoline-powered engines is specially designed to prevent the ignition of gasoline vapors.
Consistency with the P&G, PGN, Engineering Regulations (ERs) and Circulars (ECs), Economic Memoranda (EMs) are a basic requirement in all studies and all supplemental guidance, including this manual.