Examples of Environmental justice community in a sentence
Census Tract 401 Block Group 4 does not contain any Residential Land Use and is zoned Industrial and Commercial Mixed-Use by the City of Everett.3 Red text = Environmental justice community (i.e., census track block groups that have a higher percentage of minority population or low-income population compared to the City of Everett).*Contains 2021 Traffic Impact Assessment Intersection.Sources: City of Everett, 2023; USCB, 2020b, 2020c.
This section de1nes the following terms: Administering agency; Board; Care worker; Environmental justice community; Equity assessment; Federal spending program; High-road labor, equity or environmental condition; Impacted community; Implementing entity; Indian tribe; Indigenous community; Public support; Quali1ed investment program; State;Family-sustaining job.
Environmental justice community identification and outreach may be conducted at a regional level and potential impacts of the system may be identified early to start a conversation for potential mitigation solutions.