Communities of color definition
Examples of Communities of color in a sentence
Communities of color have historically been disproportionately left out of the traditional banking system, a disparity that persists today.
The biases play out in varying ways for different members of the system:» Communities of color: Key informants cited numerous examples of how marginalized populations often experience policies and practices rooted in historic oppression or current biases that block access to the services families need and want or deliver harsher responses once they are involved.» LGBTQ+: Data indicates that LGBTQ+ victims of crime are frequently treated unjustly.
Communities of color suffer an extensively under this system of mass incarceration.
Communities of color wanted schools to train staff to be trauma-informed and recognize that acting out behavior can stem from exposure to stressful and adverse events that require empathy and support rather than punishment.
UNDERSTANDING POLLUTION IMPACTS Communities of color, low-income and tribal communities suffer from numerous adverse pollution impacts from non-sustainable environmental practices that could be reduced or eliminated through pollution prevention measures.
Communities of color at higher risk for health and economic challenges due to COVID-19.
Communities of color and low-income commu- nities therefore face heightened exposure to environmental harms without the corresponding mechanisms through which to address them.Moreover, as described above, a different challenge arises where efforts are made to provide environmental relief to an area.
These priority populations, as defined in SB 1545 (2022), include the following:• Communities of color • Women • Low-income communities • Rural and frontier communities • Veterans • Persons with disabilities • Incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals • Members of Oregon’s nine federally recognized Indian tribes• Individuals who disproportionately experience discrimination in employment on the basis of age• Individuals who identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Resolve inequities and put communities first: Communities of color, indigenous peoples, the very young and very old, and low-income communities have been and will be hit the hardest by climate change impacts.15 These communities are on the front lines of the financial, public health, and quality of life risks of climate change.
Communities of color, generally, may be reluctant to report their race or ethnicity due to fear of discrimination.