Examples of Eradication Zone in a sentence
JAY RUSSELL, SHERIFF Ouachita Parish Monroe, LA March 15, 2018 & April 12, 2018 SHERIFF’S SALE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with L.R.S. 3:1609 and LAC 7:XV.314 (A), the Louisiana Department of Agriculture & Forestry, Lou- isiana Boll Weevil Eradication Commission, has established a boll weevil eradication zone, the Louisiana Eradication Zone, consisting of all the ter- ritory within the state of Louisiana.
Subsequently, in 2006, the Foundation levied assessments against the Farmers, who farm in the Lower Rio Grande Valley Eradication Zone.
The amendment is proposed to add the Panhandle Boll Weevil Eradication Zone (the Panhandle Zone) to the list of suppressed areas in §20.12.The boll weevil eradication program in Texas was initiated in 1994 in an effort to rid the state of the boll weevil.
The Red River Eradication Zone shall consist of all exist and adopts by emergency process the following rules those territories within the boundaries of the following creating the Louisiana Eradication Zone and fee payment in the parishes: Acadia, Avoyelles, Bienville, Bossier, Caddo, Boll Weevil Eradication Program.
The effective date of the establishment of the RedThe boll weevil is a pest which is destructive to the River Eradication Zone shall be October 18, 1996.
The Eradication Zone of about 36 rookeries is to the north of their region.
Dep’t of Agric., Payment of Assessments, Incentives for Early Payment; Penalties for Late Payment; Website) (assessments are due in full by due date set by commissioner each year).In this case, the commissioner of agriculture proposed, and cotton farmers in the Lower Rio Grande Valley Eradication Zone approved, an annual assessment based on a dollar amount per acre planted during the assessment year.
However, there are a number of critical factors that need to be considered – ♦ Areas where vector related Tb has been absent for two years are now being considered for Eradication Zone (EZ) proposals.
Petitions To Add An Area Or County To An Existing Erad- ication Zone Or To Transfer An Area Or County In One Eradication Zone To Another Eradication Zone.
See Additional Review Criteria Section for more information.About the Scope of Research 1.