Examples of ETI Securities in a sentence
This research may be modified from time to time without notice and may express opinions or provide recommendations that are inconsistent with purchasing or holding ETI Securities or Fund Securities, as applicable.
The Hedge Provider may perform any number of different hedging practices with respect to ETI Securities.
N.B. Optional Additional Disruption Events are applicable to certain Index Securities, Share Securities, ETI Securities and Commodity Securities.
Subject to all regulatory obligations, none of the Issuer, the Guarantor (if any) or the Calculation Agent owes any duty or responsibility to any of the Holders of the ETI Securities.
The exercise of such rights in such manner may result in an increased loss in performance of the ETI Securities than if the Issuer had taken different action.
Certain considerations associated with Securities linked to ETIs ETI Securities linked to one or more interest in exchange traded instruments reflect the performance of such interest in exchange traded instruments.
Potential investors in ETI Securities should be aware that none of the relevant Issuer, the Guarantor (if any) or the Calculation Agent have any control over investments made by the relevant exchange traded instrument(s) and in no way guarantee the performance of an exchange traded instrument or the amount payable to holders of ETI Securities.
In hedging the relevant Issuer's obligations under the ETI Securities, the Hedge Provider is not restricted to any particular hedging practice.
Having taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case, the information contained in the Base Prospectus, as completed by these Final Terms in relation to the Series of ETI Securities referred to above is, to the best of the Issuer’s knowledge, in accordance with the facts and contains no omission likely to affect its import.
The amount payable on the ETI Securities may be less and in certain circumstances may be significantly less than the return from a direct investment in the relevant ETI(s) and may be zero.