Examples of EU Procurement Law in a sentence
If an account for this address already exists in the Bugzilla installation, it will log in to that account.
EU Procurement Law means EU Directive 2014/24 (consolidated into English law as the Public Contracts Regulations 2015), EU Treaty Principles, relevant case law and any subsequent directives or legislation relating to EU procurement.
EU Procurement Law shall be complied with in respect of all Contracts having a value that exceeds the relevant EU threshold for the Works, Supplies or Services being procured (see EU Procurement Thresholds).
Where it is proposed to establish a Framework Agreement, and the potential value of all orders that could be placed under it may exceed the relevant value in the EU Procurement Thresholds (see section 5 for determining Contract values) then its term must be limited to 4 years or less pursuant to EU Procurement Law.
While electronic availability of contract documents is mandatory in relation to contracts the award of which is governed by EU Procurement Law, the Project Officer should, in liaison with the Corporate Procurement Manager, consider applying the benefits of electronic procurement to contract opportunities that fall below the EU Procurement Thresholds.
Under EU Procurement Law, the Council must, in relation to Contracts above the EU Procurement Thresholds, offer by electronic means unrestricted, full and direct access free of charge to the procurement documents from the date of publication of the OJEU Notice, including the invitation to tender, specification, project brief, conditions of contract and other supporting documentation intended to describe or determine the various elements of the procurement or the procedure.
After the Contract is Signed the Council: • Could be liable to pay damages to any bidder proving loss arising from the Council’s actions.• May, in any case of serious abuse of EU Procurement Law, be required to cancel its Contract (where a court declares that Contract to be prospectively ineffective) and pay a fine.• May, in any other case, be ordered to shorten the term of its Contract or pay a fine or both.
Subject to Public Procurement Legislation, therefore, and in particular to EU Procurement Law (see further section 6), the requirement to seek Tenders or Quotations may be waived as follows:ValueAuthority to WaiveBelow £10,000Head of Service in consultation with Corporate Procurement ManagerAbove £10,000Monitoring Officer and Section 151 Officer Exceptions where the rules can be waived are set out in Appendix 3.
The recoverable amount is the higher of an assets fair value less costs to sell, and value in use.If an asset's carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount, the asset is regarded as impaired and the carrying amount is written-down to the recoverable amount.
Subject to Public Procurement Legislation, therefore, and in particular to EU Procurement Law (see further section 6), the requirement to seek Tenders or Quotations may be waived as follows: ValueAuthority to WaiveBelow £10,000Head of Service in consultation withCorporate Procurement ManagerAbove £10,000Monitoring Officer and Section 151 Officer Exceptions where the rules can be waived are set out in Appendix 3.