Examples of EU Restrictive Measures in a sentence
L.J. 492, 510 (2016) [hereinafter Eckes, Consequences] (“A general carte blanche for the executive in the field of foreign policy no longer exists in any of the [EU] Member States.”); Christina Eckes, EU Restrictive Measures Against Natural and Legal Persons: From Counterterrorism to Third Country Sanctions, 51 COMMON MARKETS L.
Council, 2006 E.C.R. II-04665 (Second Chamber) (E.C.J.); Kadi I, supra note 13; see also Hillion, supra note 16, at 50; Eckes, EU Restrictive Measures, supra note 9, at 880-83.
Eckes, EU Restrictive Measures, supra note 9, at 872-73; Dina Esfandiary, Assessing the European Union’s Sanctions Policy: Iran as a Case Study 2 (EU Non-Proliferation Consortium, Non- Proliferation Paper No. 34, Dec.
Eckes, EU Restrictive Measures, supra note 9, at 873 (“In the four years since the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, the EU has adopted countless legal instruments, imposing, amending, or repealing targeted sanctions.”); LIST OF RESTRICTIVE MEASURES IN FORCE, supra note 12 (chronicling the frequent changes in the EU sanctions regimes).
If during the course of the Programme, the Government discovers any link whatsoever between Programmes and/or funds provided by GAVI under this Decision Letter with any organisations or individuals subject to EU Restrictive Measures, it shall inform XXXX in writing immediately.
If during the course of the Programme, the Government discovers any link w hatsoever betw een Programmes and/or funds provided by GAVI under this Decision Lett er w ith any organisations or individuals subject to EU Restrictive Measures, it shall inform GAVI in w rit ing immediately.
The Activity would not consider applications from or in partnership with:• Employees, contractors and their family members, as well as employees or family members of participating sponsors;• Evaluation Committee participants, providers of technical assistance (TA) and consulting services funded by the Activity; or,• Entities listed in EU Restrictive Measures and United Nations Sanctions Lists.
The Government shall ensure that the use of the funds provided by Gavi for the Programme shall not contravene, directly or indirectly, any economic or f inancial sanctions or trade embargoes administered or enforced from t ime to t ime by the EU (#EU Restrictive Measures#).
The EU Restrictive Measures - What if the Court of Justice of European Union finds them not Being Legal: Cases in Croatia and Republic of Macedonia, Balkan Social Science Review, Vol.
Comm’n, Sanctions: Commission Guidance Note on the Provision of Humanitarian Aid in Compliance with EU Restrictive Measures (2022), ¶ 1.