Examples of European Border and Coast Guard standing corps in a sentence
If the executive director decides to launch a rapid border intervention, he or she shall deploy available border management teams from the European Border and Coast Guard standing corps and equipment from the technical equipment pool in accordance with Article 64, and where necessary, he or she shall decide on the immediate reinforcement by one or more border management teams, in accordance with Article 58.
In particular, by way of derogation from the normal deadline set in the Regulation, the decision of the Management Board as referred in Article 55 (4) on the profiles of the European Border and Coast Guard standing corps should be adopted within 6 weeks of the entry into force of the Regulation.
The Agency shall deploy members of the European Border and Coast Guard standing corps as members of the border management teams, migration management support teams, return teams in joint operations, rapid border interventions or return interventions or any other relevant operational activities in the Member States or in third countries.
Member States should ensure their respective contributions to the European Border and Coast Guard standing corps in accordance with Annexe III for long term secondments and Annex IV for short term deployments.
Statutory staff within the European Border and Coast Guard standing corps will primarily be deployed as members of the teams; only a limited and clearly defined part of this staff may be recruited to perform supportive functions for the establishment of the standing corps, notably at headquarters.
Lindsay called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. A Quorum was present.
In view of deployment of the European Border and Coast Guard standing corps in the territory of third countries, the Agency should develop the capabilities for its own command and control structures.
The Agency's equipment should be largely operated by the Agency's technical crews being part of the .European Border and Coast Guard standing corps.
Consequently, in order to match the level of ambition underlying the establishment of the European Border and Coast Guard standing corps, the Commission earmarked a significant envelope under the 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework to allow the Agency to acquire, maintain and operate the necessary air, sea and land assets corresponding to the operational needs.
For the purpose of Article 74, the Agency shall develop and ensure the command and control structures for the effective deployments of the European Border and Coast Guard standing corps in the territory of third countries.