Bangladesh Bank definition
Examples of Bangladesh Bank in a sentence
It commenced its banking business with one branch from April 17, 1995 under the license issued by Bangladesh Bank.
The GOB shall ensure that the Bangladesh Bank gives any general or specific permission or Government Authorization required under the Foreign Exchange Regulations Act and Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Transactions (GFET), 2018 to authorize any of the accounts, transfers, conversions or transactions expressly provided in this Section 8.
Bangladesh residents who hold foreign securities (including Shares acquired under the Plan) and wish to sell, transfer or otherwise transact in such securities, must first obtain an export permit by submitting an application to the Bangladesh Bank through an Authorized Dealer.
All monetary amounts are PPP-adjusted USD terms, set at 2007 prices and deflated using CPI published by Bangladesh Bank.
The capital charge for entire market risk exposure is computed under the standardized approach using the maturity method and in accordance with the guideline issued by Bangladesh Bank.