Examples of Evergreen contract in a sentence
The Initial Term of the contract is: 1 year (amount of time in year[s] and/or months) • The contract is an Evergreen contract: Yes No (Evergreen means the contract automatically renews each anniversary date) • This agreement may be terminated with cause or without cause by GREAT HEALTHCARE or Group with 60 days written notification.
Evergreen contract A supply contract of indefinite duration which may be terminated by the customer by giving notice in accordance with the contractual terms, eg 28 days‟ notice Ex-PES The previous Public Electricity Supplier (PES) for one of the 14 electricity regions in England, Wales and Scotland.
There are no proposed changes.Glossary: Define Evergreen contracts as follows: Evergreen contract: a contract that is renewed automatically or by notice from year to year until canceled by either party.Access to the Revised Materials: A copy of the form, desk reference, and glossary are attached to this docket, but they are not included in the Federal26768 Federal Register / Vol.
Including provision for construction costs maintenance fee Project improvements include statutory reserves.The Romklao Wind Farm Project has a 5-year contract with EGAT and can be extended for another 5-year term (Evergreen contract).
Parent/Guardian Signature #1: Parent/Guardian Signature #2: Date Date This is a binding contract.
It is important to step back occasionally, take the blinkers off, and examine what we have in front of us.We as Contractors are very fortunate to have a very good model to work with, being the Evergreen contract.
I would look forward to any face-to-face meetings that may be available with the Committee to discuss further.I trust that with all the submissions you receive you will be appreciative of the role the Evergreen contract plays in our industry.
The eligible health care provider opts into an existing MSA approved under the Rural Health Care Pilot Program or Healthcare Connect Fund Program and seeks support for services and equipment purchased from the MSA, if the MSA was developed and negotiated in response to an RFP that specifically solicited proposals that included a mechanism for adding additional sites to the MSA;• Evergreen contract.
During the Funding Year 2017 competitive bidding period, SCH’s service provider, Alaska Communications, requested guidance from USAC on how a healthcare provider should properly request RHC support for a year when its existing Evergreen contract is expiring and service will be upgraded thereafter under a new, competitively-bid contract.
Independent of the Evergreen contract, it -- >> Councilmember Liccardo: Right, no I understand, it's just not coming up in that world (inaudible) independent of an Evergreen contract so that's why we're asking.