Examples of Excavation Contractor in a sentence
Check the appropriate box to indicate whether the operator is a General Contractor, Consultant or Excavation Contractor.
Payment for temporary demobilization/remobilization of selected equipment and personnel will be based on a change order prepared by the Excavation Contractor and approved by the General Contractor and the Government for actual demobilization/remobilization costs.
Ebben az esetben csak a villamos alkatrészeket kell valóban alávetni az EU-típusvizsgálatnak, de fennáll az a szabály, hogy a mechanikus alkatrészeket a villamos alkatrészekkel együtt is figyelembe lehet venni, ha azok egymásba vannak integrálva, és nem puszta szerelvényről van szó.
Contractors that fail to return to correct an older patch within 30 days of notification by the City, may lose their Excavation Contractor License until restoration is made.
The General Contractor or Underground Utility and Excavation Contractor license must be active in the State of Florida at the time of bid.
All construction shall be performed by a Certified Underground Utility and Excavation Contractor licensed in the State of Florida.
Estimate size of fleet required to transport wastes.5. Transfer waste to disposal facility East of the project area _ LDC_ Excavation Contractor LDC HSE _ Contractual clauses_ Monitoring of waste management plan_ Field supervision _ Contractor costs_ LDC management costs Local community Destruction of streets and pavement_ Arrange Restoration and re- pavement (ﻪﻠﺻﻷ ﺊﺸﻟﺍ ﺩﺭ) with local unit_ Communication with localcommunity on excavation and restoration schedules.
Job-sharing, part-time and flexible working are well promoted in job adverts, and our induction material.
The Bidder must identify the General Contractor or Underground Utility and Excavation Contractor license to be used to acquire any permits.
DEFINITIONS Excavation Contractor – an individual or firm engaged in a business that causes the disturbance of soil, including grading, filling and removal, or in a business in which the disturbance of soil results from an activity that the individual or firm is retained to perform.