Examples of Excess Cost Aid in a sentence
The purpose of the Public Excess Cost Aid Setaside is to ensure that school districts meet federal maintenance of effort requirements regarding spending for students with disabilities.
For aid purposes BOCES activities are divided into the following general program or service areas: GEN PROGRAM OR SERVICE CODE PROGRAM OR SERVICE* Special Education Services are aided under districts’ Foundation Aid and Public High Cost Excess Cost Aid and do not generate BOCES Aid.
Please note: Private Excess Cost Aid is based on the total cost of the student's placement at the Special Act School District, including the Part I tuition costs paid to the State Education Department.
For those students who are eligible 3 See Guide to Online Entry of Private Placement Certifications Required for 10-Month Private Excess Cost Aid (DCERT)4 Request to speak to the OMH Children’s Coordinator.5 For a contact list of OPWDD Transition Coordinators, see Attachments 4 and 5.
Payments made pursuant to Section 3609-b includes: Public Excess Cost Aid Setaside from Foundation Aid, Public Excess High Cost Aid, Supplemental Public Excess Cost Aid and Private Excess Cost Aid.
Unreimbursed Nonfederal Special Education Expenditures=$2,300,000Unreimbursed “Old Formula” Special Ed. Expenditures=$1,900,000Prior Year General Education Revenue=$7,300,000 Excess Cost Aid, the greatest of: (1) 56% x [Unreimbursed Nonfederal Expend.
The other significant increase is in Excess Cost Aid related to special education services; Ms. LaSala said that also was due to returning to in- person learning for 2021-22.
Foundation Aid and Public High Cost Excess Cost Aid are provided directly to the school district for a student with disabilities in the case of a BOCES placement.• Expenditures for transporting pupils to and from BOCES classes are not eligible for BOCES Aid.
Foundation aid and Public High Cost Excess Cost Aid are provided directly to the district of residence for a student with disabilities in the case of a BOCES placement.• Expenditures for transporting pupils to and from BOCES classes are not eligible for BOCES Aid.
The formula for generating Private Excess Cost Aid is: Approved Tuition Paid - Basic Contribution = Aidable Excess Cost Aidable Excess Cost X Private Excess Cost Aid Ratio X FTE of each pupil in the base year = Private Excess Cost Aid per pupil 1.0 – (Combined Wealth Ratio X 0.15) = Private Excess Cost Ratio (minimum ratio = 0.50) Total Aid = The sum of aid for all pupilsTuition for pupils in these private school placements is paid directly by the school district to the private school.