Work loss definition
Examples of Work loss in a sentence
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Contract Documents, an Extension to the Contract Time, to the extent permitted under this Section, shall be the sole and exclusive remedy of the Contractor for any delay in the commencement, prosecution or completion of the Work; hindrance, interference, or obstruction in the Contractor’s performance of the Work; loss of productivity; or other similar claims, whether or not such delays are foreseeable.
These include personal out-of-pocket expenses of the affected individual (or family), plus costs paid by insurance or Medicare, for example.2. Work loss.
Damages which the Owner would suffer in the event of such delay include, but are not limited to, loss of the use of the Work, loss of use of the other contractors’ work, disruption of activities, costs of administration, supervision, and the incalculable inconvenience and loss suffered by the public.
Work loss benefits consist of:These Personal Injury Protection benefits consist of any of the following benefits for which a premium charge is shown in your policy declarations.
Trial Recipient acknowledges that Obi is a delicate electronic robotic device and will treat it with due care and concern.