Examples of Executing Entities in a sentence
Executing Entities are organizations that execute adaptation projects and programmes supported by the Fund under the oversight of Implementing Entities.
In order to assist the State and the Executing Entities in carrying out the Project, the State shall employ and cause the Executing Entities to employ consultants whose qualifications, experience and terms and conditions of employment shall be satisfactory to the Bank.
Executing Entities must also disclose to affected parties the final plans prior to implementation and any action plans prepared during project implementation, including gender mainstreaming.
Executing Entities should identify the range of stakeholders that may be interested in their actions and consider how external communications might facilitate a dialog with all stakeholders.
For restriction of access to natural resources, for example as a result of the creation of new protected areas, Executing Entities will be required to prepare a “Process Framework” that describes the nature of the restrictions, the participatory process by which project components will be prepared, criteria by which displaced persons are eligible, measures to restore livelihoods and the means by which any conflicts would be resolved.
Executing Entities must ensure that the key principles of the GEF Gender Mainstreaming Policy is incorporated beginning with stakeholder engagement.
The CI-GEF Project Agency Team will conduct an initial screening of project concepts and/or Project Identification Forms (PIFs) from Executing Entities.
The key responsibilities of the CI-GEF Project Agency Team and the Executing Entities are described in further detail in table below.
Executing Entities must attempt to resolve all reasonable grievances raised, and provide a written response to grievances within 30 days.
The Fund may also instruct the Accredited Entity to suspend disbursements of GCF Proceeds to the relevant Executing Entities or third parties until further instructions are given by the Fund to continue the disbursements.