Existing Patents definition
Examples of Existing Patents in a sentence
Follow-On Innovation in the Face of Multiple Existing Patents In some circumstances, the need for access to multiple existing patent-protected technologies may also hinder subsequent 170 See, e.g., Teece 2/26 at 210-11; Kieff 4/10 at 159-60, 199-200; cf.
To EPIZYME’s knowledge, no issued patents included in the Existing Patents are invalid or unenforceable.
XXXXXXX to BIOPHYTIS of all his rights to and under the Existing Patents and Current Patent Applications, and to organize the assignment and transfer by X.
XXXXXXX is prohibited from using, except in his capacity as director, officer, employee or consultant of BIOPHYTIS (as the case may be), any invention covered by the Existing Patents, the Current Patent Applications and/or any Future Patent Application as well as any Results to which he contributed or contributes.
XXXXXXX further acknowledges that he has no rights or claim of any kind whatsoever with respect to such inventions and with respect to such Existing Patents; that are fully owned by BIOPHYTIS and the designated co-owners.