Section 10.2.1 Sample Clauses

Section 10.2.1. At the end of the probationary period, the employee will be subject to all rights and duties 26 contained in the Agreement retroactive to the hire date; provided, however, Section 14.1 and 27 14.2 will not apply.
Section 10.2.1. 32 Each probationary employee shall be evaluated by his or her Immediate Supervisor before the
Section 10.2.1. 40 An employee who is promoted shall be on trial status in the new position for a period of forty 41 five (45) workdays. A demotion back to the employee's previous position during trial is subject 42 to review under the grievance procedure, with said review to be limited to whether the demotion 43 was arbitrary and capricious.
Section 10.2.1 the District decide to discharge any non-annual employee, the employee shall be so 7 notified in writing prior to July 31 if possible.
Section 10.2.1. After the initial probationary period, employees who bid on and are awarded a new job 6 assignment must remain in that position for the duration of the school year unless a new or 7 open position offers monetary gain, such as an increase in hours. However, in the event that 8 extenuating circumstances exist, the District and the Association will consider the situation on a 9 case-by-case basis.
Section 10.2.1. Business of the Company ----------------------- The Company shall not, and shall not permit any Restricted Subsidiary to, engage in any business other than an ATM Network Business.
Section 10.2.1. 21 If in the course of duty an employee may have been exposed to a life debilitating or life 22 threatening toxic substance or disease (such as, but not limited to TB, AIDS, Hepatitis B), the 23 District will: 24 A. provide a procedure for reporting possible exposure; 25 B. provide for adequate testing if the procedure is not covered by District medical insurance; 26 C. provide for appropriate inoculation; 27 D. provide necessary equipment to maintain personal safety.
Section 10.2.1. 40 Employees promoted or placed in a different job classification shall be on probationary status for a 41 period of thirty (30) days of work. If the employee’s performance is determined to be 42 unsatisfactory, the employee shall, at the sole discretion of the employer, have the probationary 43 period extended for an additional thirty (30) days, be reassigned to an existing equivalent position 44 held before the promotion, or shall be moved back to the previously held position. The employee 45 will be informed in writing of the decision to extend the probationary period and the reasons 46 therefore and shall have the option of electing to be reassigned to an existing equivalent position to 47 that held before the promotion or shall be moved back to the previously held position. The decision 48 to reassign or move the employee is not grievable.
Section 10.2.1. 17 When employees co-mingle work as a bus driver and a position in another classification, they 18 shall be compensated at one and one-half (1-1/2) times their base hourly rate for all hours 19 worked in excess of forty (40) hours per week. 20