Examples of Experience factors in a sentence
In the third factor subspace of Professional Competency, experts identified Skill Ratings and Application Experience factors as important.
We came up with different plans and designs for the different categories of people.
Experience factors that could cause a change in the policy or agreement charges are interest, mortality, persistency, policy duration, taxes, accumulation value allocations, expenses, and profit considerations.
Experience factors are defined by loss layer weighting ratio equivalent to 50 percent on the agency’s first layer losses ($0 to $30,000 for liability and $0 to $50,000 for worker’s compensation) and 50 percent on its second layer of losses ($30,000 to $750,000 for liability and $50,000 to $100,000 for worker’s compensation).
Experience factors are mode-specific and often relate to transport infrastructure and the availability of services.
Experience factors Total experience factors at item 7.5 reflect the total (by panel) of the product of teachers reported on the grid and the following instructional salary matrix (Table 8 of the Grant Regulation) INSTRUCTIONAL SALARY MATRIX Qualification & experienceDCBA1A2A3A4 Section 9 - Transportation Transportation allocation is calculated by applying enrolment increases in 2007-08 to the 2006-07 base.
Experience factors Total experience factors at item 7.5 reflect the total (by panel) of the product of teachers reported on the grid and the following instructional salary matrix (Table 8 of the Grant Regulation) INSTRUCTIONAL SALARY MATRIX Qualification & experience Section 9 - Transportation Transportation allocation is calculated by applying enrolment increases in 2007-08 to the 2006-07 base.
Transfers shall not result in the displacement of any other teacher and the criteria for adjudging unreasonableness shall include the following: - Timing of request - Availability of position - Qualifications - Maintenance and continuity of educational programs - Most educationally sound assignment of teachers - Experience factors - Other relevant factors If all relevant factors, including the preceding criteria are equal, the employee with the greatest District seniority shall be granted the transfer.
An eligible teacher who meets the Evaluation and Experience factors below will transition to the 2023-2024 Compensation Table, advancing one row, with a 4.93% increase.
Y= β0+β1X1+β2X2+β3X3+β4X4+ ℮ Where Y is performance of SMEs β0 is intersection pointX1 is Commitment factors X2 is Innovation factors X3 is Independence factorsX4 is Experience factors ℮ is error term β1,β2,β3,β4 are respective coefficients relating to X1,X2,X3, and X4 Pearson’s correlations will be conducted at 95% confidence interval and 5% confidence level 1-tailed to determine the relationship between the variables in influencing performance of SMEs.