Examples of Exploration Site in a sentence
Ecological surveys were undertaken as part of the 2017 planning application (WSCC/040/17/BA) assessing the Lower Stumble Hydrocarbon Exploration Site for its biodiversity value (RSK Environment Ltd, 2017).
Angus Energy Plc is seeking to discharge a number of planning conditions in relation to the exploration and appraisal of the existing hydrocarbon lateral borehole at Lower Stumble Hydrocarbon Exploration Site, London Road, Balcombe, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH17 6JH.Planning permission for the works (Ref: WSCC/040/17/BA) was received from West Sussex County Council on 27th October 2017.This report provides information to discharge the following pre-commencement planning conditions.
This report presents a follow-up to the Abandoned Mining Exploration Site Assessment and Prioritization Study conducted by the Kativik Regional Government (KRG) and the Makivik Corporation in 2001 and 2002.
The REX Advanced Exploration Site, is a former uranium exploration site that contains a campsite and two areas with exploration workings.
An air quality assessment of a proposed hydrocarbon well testing at Lower Stumble Hydrocarbon Exploration Site off London Road, near Balcombe has been undertaken with reference to existing air quality in the area and relevant air quality legislation, policy and guidance.
The Special Meeting of the Richmond Housing Authority was called to order at 5:39 p.m. by Chairperson Thomas K.
The Sun Rose Advanced Exploration Site is a former uranium exploration site that is approximately 15 hectares in area, and consists of ruins of burned down building structures and waste rock.
Figure 2-1 Proposed Waesano Project Exploration Facilities 5Figure 3-1 Waesano Exploration Project Area of Interest (AOI) and Social Impact Zone 8Figure 9-1 Project Management Unit (Jakarta Based) 57Figure 9-2 Exploration Site Team 57Figure 12-1Grievance Redress Mechanism 66 Tables Table 3-1 Land Requirement 6Table 3-2 Scope of Impacts 9Table 3-3 Vulnerable and Severelly PAPs 11Table 3-4.
Incident Region/ Operation/ Exploration Site * Incidents involving discharge of firearms / less lethal weapons.Table 2: Summary of fatalities among and injuries to third parties involved in illegal activities at AngloGold Ashanti operations/exploration sites in 2022, not related to security intervention.
Parcel Identifier A unique number issued by Service New Brunswick used to identify each Number (PID) property in New Brunswick.Department of Natural Resources 1-888-312-5600Crown Lands Branch www.gnb.ca/naturalresourcesPage 13 CL_TCWeb@gnb.ca PART VILicence of Occupation For Wind Exploration Site Development Plan (SDP)A written description of the manner and time which a Lessee shall alter, develop, use, maintain and rehabilitate Crown Lands.