Examples of Development Area in a sentence
All members of the FVWDB shall be employed or reside within the Fox Valley Workforce Development Area.
In addition, the Developer, until the Development Area has received Final Acceptance Certificate by the City, shall make arrangements satisfactory to the City, for the installation and maintenance of traffic control signs, which in the City Engineer’s opinion are required, during the maintenance period.
The purpose of this agreement is to describe the respective roles and responsibilities under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of the Virginia Career Works – Piedmont Region (VCW - Piedmont) Council, made up of the Chief Local Elected Officials from Local Workforce Development Area 6 (LWDA6), and the VCW - Piedmont Board, made up of public and private representatives from around the region.
This proposal supports the expansion of health and care services required to meet the growth in population within the East Calder Core Development Area.
The Developer and the City acknowledges that the outstanding hectares MR dedication has been deferred to the balance of the undeveloped portion of the Development Area.