Examples of Export Meter Reading in a sentence
If You are required to charge VAT on exported electricity, We will only be required to pay the relevant Export Payment and associated VAT where, after providing Us with the relevant Export Meter Reading, You also provide Us with an appropriate VAT invoice.
Our appointed contractors will record the Generation Meter Reading and/or Export Meter Reading in order for Us to verify meter reading.
The HHDC will use the Export readings from the non-Settlement Meters M1 and M2 to determine the allocation of the Settlement Export Meter reading M3 between the two Suppliers:Active Export Meter Reading for Supplier 1 = M3 x M1 / (M1 + M2) Active Export Meter Reading for Supplier 2 = M3 x M2 / (M1 + M2)This ensures that all of the electrical losses on the private network (and any metering errors in the non-Settlement Meters) are allocated between the two Suppliers at the site.
Includes Generation Meter Reading and/or Export Meter Reading The periods set out in Your FIT Plan in which a Generation Meter Reading and, where applicable, an Export Meter Reading must be provided to Us. The scheme which is a recognised quality assurance scheme, supported by the Department of Energy and Climate Change, to certify microgeneration technologies used to produce electricity and heat from renewable sources.
We will collect (and where this is not possible for any reason, we will ask you to send) an Export Meter Reading in respect of the Export Meter.
The periods set out in Your FIT Plan in which a Generation Meter Reading and, where applicable, an Export Meter Reading must be provided to Us. The scheme which is a recognised quality assurance scheme, supported by the Department of Energy and Climate Change, to certify microgeneration technologies used to produce electricity and heat from renewable sources.
If we cannot get a final Export Meter Reading, we will use the last available Export Meter Reading prior to the time this contract ended.