Examples of Export MPAN in a sentence
The Distributor authorises the issue of an Export MPAN Core with its Line Loss Factor Class (LLFC), and an associated Pseudo MPAN Core.The skeleton records for the Metering Points are sent to the Registration Services and the Distributor records are updated accordingly.The Distributor informs the Supplier of the relevant MPAN Cores and subsequently receives Customer details.
MTD show the MPAN having at least two settlement registers (one Export and one Import).6.Meter Operator sends Meter Technical Details (D0150) for Export MPAN, to confirm that there is no metering associated with the MPAN.7.Supplier updates the existing Import MPAN registration to have an Import/Export SSC (and MTC), rather than Import-only.
Current Process4Proposed New Process for single MPAN1.Supplier requests logical disconnection of the Export MPAN (making it clear in the request that physical disconnection of the property is not required)N/A 5 This step may not be required if the existing metering solution is one meter with two registers recording Import and Export.
Under the P81 solution, both SSC 0393 (for the Import MPAN), and SSC 0482 (for the Export MPAN) have a single TPR, as follows: Note that each SSC has an SSC Type (held as part of the SSC definition in Market Domain Data) that distinguishes Import (type ‘I’) from Export (type ‘E’).
Current ProcessProposed New Process1.N/ASupplier requests logical disconnection of the Export MPAN (making it clear in the request that physical disconnection of the property is not required).2.Supplier de-appoints agents (i.e. Meter Operator Agent, Non Half Hourly Data Collector, and Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator) for the Export MPAN.
This option may require a Supplier to register more than one Microgeneration Export MPAN within a given GSP Group depending on the types of Microgenerator that they are responsible for.Finally the Modification states that the Microgeneration Export Operator would calculate the EAC and pass it to the NHHDC/NHHDA who would process the EAC using the normal Settlement processes.
You must notify Us if part of the capacity is rewired from one accredited installation to connect to the grid through a different Export MPAN, or the Export MPAN of another accredited Installation using the same sources of energy or technology.
Since no Metering Equipment is shared the Suppliers responsible for each MPAN can appoint their own appropriately Qualified MOA and DC (i.e. NHH or HH for the Import MPAN and HH for the Export MPAN).
Export Suppliers may wish to use the same Meter for the Export MPAN.
This charge will be applied to the Export MPAN and charged on that capacity over and above the import capacity level.• a Unit Charge per kWh unit delivered to the exit point from the system, designed to reflect utilisation of the system at all relevant voltage levels.