External Demand definition
Examples of External Demand in a sentence
For example if AI1= EHS and AI2 = AEr, the HRO will ignore the EHS and run using the AEr. Input not used External Demand 0-10 VdcExternal Demand 2-10 VdcExternal Humidity Sensor Averaging 0-10 VdcExternal Humidity Sensor Averaging 2-10 Vdc External Demand Low Signal Selector (0-10 Vdc)External Demand Low Signal Selector (2-10 Vdc)High Limit 0-10 VdcHigh Limit 2-10 VdcDuct Supply In 0-10 VdcDuct Supply In 2-10 Vdc • AEr.0 (0-10Vdc) or AEr.2 (2-10Vdc) = External humidity sensor averaging.
The result of the LSS is provided as an output on AO1 (pin 14).- Lowest signal between AI2 and the internal demand (set step 37 to HuLs)- Lowest signal between AI2 and AI1 (set step 22 to LSS.0 or LSS.2)- Lowest signal between AI2, AI1 and internal demand (set step 22 to LSS.0 or LSS.2 and set step 37 to HuLs)• dEd.0 (0-10Vdc) or dEd.2 (2-10Vdc) = External Demand signal• HIL.0 (0-10Vdc) or HIL.2 (2-10Vdc) = High limit.
Chapter 3: Main Risk Scenarios (e.g. Stability Implications of External Demand Shocks or Liquidity Problems on the Banking System): Future Prospects, Risks and Stress Tests).
The second highest choice was for60% Percent Endorsement50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Denial External Demand TentativeCommitmentDevelopmental Stage Full-scale Effort Maintenance andRefinement Figure 1.
This situation was due to a substantial fall in goods imports compared to exports.Graph 4: Trends in Contribution of Net External Demand for Goods to Growth2,01,00,0-1,0-2,01,00,02014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020-0,7-1,6-0,20,11,6Source: MINFI Exports of goodsIn 2020, the volume of exports of goods decreased by 14.3% compared to an increase of 11.6% in 2019.
The key elements of a master plan forecast must include reviews of: Socioeconomic Trends External Demand Factors Aviation Forecast Summary Comparison with Other Forecast Future Design Aircraft Key metrics of the master plan demand forecast and their focus include the following: Annual Passenger Enplanements – Number of people boarding aircraft at ERI each year used to identify the need for future passenger terminal area, parking facilities, and airport access.
Training demands by Army and RM units can be submitted through UAMSII using the on-line facility for authorised account holders, by using MOD Form 2100 or through the UNICOM External Demand Voucher – Ammunition, via FAX, E-mail or post.
An MP may submit Demand Bids, External Demand Bids, and Virtual Demand Bids to purchase energy in the Open Access Transmission, Energy and Operating Reserve Markets Only a MP that represents Load may submit Demand Bids, which may be submitted in the Day-Ahead Energy and Operating Reserve Markets.
Yan (2010), “Estimating the External Demand of RMB Currency: 1999~2008”, Shanghai Journal of Economics, Volume: 303 Issue: 1/2010, pp19-‐25.2. Cassola, N.
External Demand for ProgramsThe enrollment trends are listed below for each of the department majors.