Falkland Islands waters definition

Falkland Islands waters means the sea or other waters within the seaward limits of the territorial sea of the Falkland Islands; and
Falkland Islands waters means the internal waters, territorial sea and fishery waters of the Falkland Islands;

Examples of Falkland Islands waters in a sentence

  • The duties imposed on the master of a ship by subsection (1) apply to the masters of ships registered in the Falkland Islands and to the masters of foreign ships when in Falkland Islands waters.

  • A temporary exclusion zone may not include any area which is neither within Falkland Islands waters nor within a part of the sea specified in an Order in Council made under section 129(2)(b) of the Act.

  • Seabird mortality associated with Patagonian Toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) longliners in Falkland Islands waters.

  • Seabird mortality associated with Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) longliners in Falkland Islands waters.

  • Stock assessment and the provision of management advice for the short fin squid fishery in Falkland Islands waters.

  • The total time in Falkland Islands waters during the duration of the study will not exceed 4 days.

  • Furthermore, the United Kingdom fully supported the Falkland Islands Government’s legitimate decision to establish and manage a sustainable fisheries industry and to explore for hydrocarbon resources in Falkland Islands waters in full accordance with international law.

  • Seabird mortality associated with trawling is less obvious, but work undertaken by the Seabirds at Sea Team in 2002/2003 highlighted that trawl fisheries were causing significantly more seabird mortalities than longline fishing activities in Falkland Islands waters.

  • She held that the fact that the evidence was taken from a third party website does not make it unacceptable or unreliable.

  • Form and character of shop drawings shall be to Architect’s satisfaction, be checked and complete.

Related to Falkland Islands waters

  • State waters means all water, on the surface and under the ground, wholly or partially within or bordering the Commonwealth or within its jurisdiction, including wetlands.

  • Transportation Company means any organization which provides its own or its leased vehicles for transportation or which provides freight forwarding or air express services.

  • inland waters means the navigable waters of the United States shoreward of the navigational demarcation lines dividing the high seas from harbors, rivers, and other inland waters of the United States and the waters of the Great Lakes on the United States side of the International Boundary;

  • LHSIA means the Local Health System Integration Act, 2006, and the regulations made under it, as it and they may be amended from time to time;

  • Blackwater means wastewater contaminated by human body waste, toilet paper and any other material intended to be deposited in a receptor designed to receive urine or feces.

  • Youth center means any public or private facility that is primarily used to host recreational or social activities for minors, including, but not limited to, private youth membership organizations or clubs, social service teenage club facilities, video arcades, or similar amusement park facilities.

  • Shoreland means land, as defined in Minn. Stat. § 103F.205, subd. 4, located within 1,000 feet from the normal high water mark of a lake, pond, or flowage and 300 feet of a river or stream or the landward side of floodplain delineated by ordinance on such a river or stream, whichever is greater.

  • Coastal waters means those waters of Long Island Sound and its harbors, embayments, tidal rivers, streams and creeks which contain a salinity concentration of at least five hundred parts per million under low flow conditions.

  • Raffle means a lottery in which the prize is won by (i) a random drawing of the name or

  • Shorelands or "shoreland areas" means those lands extending landward for two hundred feet in all directions as measured on a horizontal plane from the ordinary high water mark; floodways and contiguous floodplain areas landward two hundred feet from such floodways; and all wetlands and river deltas associated with the streams, lakes, and tidal waters which are subject to the provisions of this chapter; the same to be designated as to location by the department of ecology.

  • Navigable waters ’ means the waters of the United States, including the territorial sea;

  • Anchorage means the system by which the seat assembly is secured to the vehicle structure, including the affected parts of the vehicle structure;

  • Harbour Master means the ABP Harbour Master or Dock Master for the Port (as appropriate) or their authorised representative;

  • Graywater means untreated wastewater that has not been contaminated by any toilet discharge, has not been affected by infectious, contaminated, or unhealthy bodily wastes, and does not present a threat from contamination by unhealthful processing, manufacturing, or operating wastes. "Graywater" includes, but is not limited to, wastewater from bathtubs, showers, bathroom washbasins, clothes washing machines, and laundry tubs, but does not include wastewater from kitchen sinks or dishwashers. Health and Safety Code Section 17922.12.

  • Houseboat means a powered vessel containing living accommodation, usually flat- bottomed and used in navigation.

  • South Caucasus/Central and South Asian (SC/CASA) state means Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.

  • Basin means a groundwater basin or subbasin identified and defined in Bulletin 118 or as modified pursuant to Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 10722).

  • Island means an area between traffic lanes or at an intersection for control

  • Crosswalk means that part of a roadway at an intersection included within the connections of the

  • AT&T OKLAHOMA means the AT&T owned ILEC doing business in Oklahoma.

  • AT&T LOUISIANA means the AT&T owned ILEC doing business in Louisiana.

  • South West Land Division means the South West Land Division as defined by Section 28 of the Land Act 1933-1971 excluding the area contained within the Metropolitan Area.

  • Greywater means all liquid wastes from showers, baths, sinks, kitchens and domestic washing facilities, but does not include toilet wastes;

  • River means a flowing body of water or a portion or tributary of a flowing body of water, including streams, creeks, or impoundments and small lakes thereon.

  • Natural gas company ’ means a person engaged in the transportation of natural gas in interstate commerce, or the sale in inter- state commerce of such gas for resale.

  • foreshore , in relation to a port, means the area between the high-water mark and the low-water mark relating to that port;