Family health history definition

Family health history means a history taken by a physician or genetic professional to ascertain genetic or medical information about an individual's family.
Family health history means a history taken by a physician or genetic profes- sional to ascertain genetic or medical information about an individual’s family.
Family health history means a history taken by a physician or genetic professional

Examples of Family health history in a sentence

  • Family health history helps us to understand the hereditary basis of disease.

  • The code set specified at 45 CFR 162.1002(c)(2) for the indicated condi- tions.(j) Family health history.

  • Family health history relies on gathering data from disparate sources, increasing the need for interoperability.

  • However, information about an individual’s health, such as Family health history or chronic illness, may remain relevant for an individual’s entire life, as well as for the lives of his or her Family.(b) Special consideration is warranted when a breach involves biometric information including fingerprints, hand geometry, retina or iris scans, and deoxyribonucleic acid or other genetic information.

  • Family health history data can assist in predicting disease risk early, enabling preemption of disease processes prior to full manifestations; analyzing effectiveness of different interventions in specific populations; and preventing the progression of disease and the related complications.The value of personalized healthcare information provides a mechanism to gain an understanding of the interplay between inherited and social factors that are relevant to the care of patients.

  • The costs are carried forward to the extent that these costs are expected to be recouped through the successful exploitation of the Company’s mining leases.

  • HL7 Version 2.5.1 Implementation Guide: S&I Framework Laboratory Orders from EHR.(2) [Reserved](m) Family health history.

  • The adoption of this criterion for purposes of the ONC Health IT Certification Program expires on January 1, 2025.* * * * *(12) Family health history.

  • Specific elements of the clients history documented by the nurses based on the 245 records audited revealed: Client’s chief complaint 82% of records History of present illness 79% Past health history 79% In contrast Psychosocial history was documented in 10% of records. Family health history 11%.

  • Family health history and cancer. history/index.htm.

More Definitions of Family health history

Family health history means a history taken by a physician or genetic professional to ascertain genetic or medical

Related to Family health history

  • Health history means the record of a person’s past health events obtained in writing, completed by the individual or their physician.

  • Behavioral health disorder means either a mental disorder

  • Health Home means an individual Provider, team of health care professionals or health team that meets all federal requirements and provides the following six (6) services to persons with one (1) or more specified chronic conditions: (i) comprehensive care management; (ii) Care Coordination and health promotion; (iii) comprehensive transitional care/follow-up; (iv) Member and family support; (v) referral to community and social support services; and (vi) use of Health Information Technology (HIT) to link services, if applicable. Health Information Exchange (HIE) means the transmission of health-care-related data among facilities, health information organizations and government agencies according to national standards. HIE is also an entity that provides services to enable the electronic sharing of health information. Health Information Technology (HIT) means the area of information technology involving the design, development, creation, use and maintenance of information systems for the health care industry.

  • Community health worker means an individual who:

  • Family abuse means any act involving violence, force, or threat that results in bodily injury or

  • Health care worker means a person other than a health care professional who provides medical, dental, or other health-related care or treatment under the direction of a health care professional with the authority to direct that individual's activities, including medical technicians, medical assistants, dental assistants, orderlies, aides, and individuals acting in similar capacities.

  • Foster family home means a private home in which children are placed for foster family care under supervision of the cabinet or a licensed child-placing agency;

  • Mental Health Worker means an individual that assists in planning, developing and evaluating mental health services for Clients; provides liaison between Clients and service providers; and has obtained a Bachelor's degree in a behavioral science field such as psychology, counseling, or social work, or has two years of experience providing client related services to Clients experiencing mental health, drug abuse or alcohol disorders. Education in a behavioral science field such as psychology, counseling, or social work may be substituted for up to one year of the experience requirement.

  • Behavioral health treatment means counseling and treatment programs, including applied behavior analysis, that are:

  • Allied Health Professional means a person registered as an allied health professional with the Health Professions Council;

  • Qualified mental health professional means a licensed medical practitioner or any other person meeting the qualifications specified in OAR 309-019-0125.

  • Health screening means the use of one or more diagnostic tools to test a person for the presence or precursors of a particular disease.

  • Behavioral health means the promotion of mental health, resilience and wellbeing; the treatment of mental and substance use disorders; and the support of those who experience and/or are in recovery from these conditions, along with their families and communities.

  • Licensed health care practitioner means a physician, as defined in Section 1861(r)(1) of the Social Security Act, a registered professional nurse, licensed social worker or other individual who meets requirements prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury.

  • Medical history means information regarding any:

  • Family and Medical Leave means a leave of absence for the birth, adoption or foster care of a child, or for the care of your child, spouse or parent or for your own serious health condition as those terms are defined by the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) and any amendments, or by applicable state law.

  • Behavioral health services means mental health services as

  • Behavioral health provider means a person licensed under 34 chapter 18.57, 18.57A, 18.71, 18.71A, 18.83, 18.205, 18.225, or 18.79

  • Family child care home means a private home in which 1 but fewer than 7 minor children are received for care and supervision for compensation for periods of less than 24 hours a day, unattended by a parent or legal guardian, except children related to an adult member of the household by blood, marriage, or adoption. Family child care home includes a home in which care is given to an unrelated minor child for more than 4 weeks during a calendar year. A family child care home does not include an individual providing babysitting services for another individual. As used in this subparagraph, "providing babysitting services" means caring for a child on behalf of the child's parent or guardian if the annual compensation for providing those services does not equal or exceed $600.00 or an amount that would according to the internal revenue code of 1986 obligate the child's parent or guardian to provide a form 1099-MISC to the individual for compensation paid during the calendar year for those services.

  • Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) means a qualified person who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare.

  • Qualified health plan means a health benefit plan that has in effect a certification that the plan

  • Genetic resources means genetic material of actual or potential value;

  • Community mental health program means all mental health

  • Group health plan means an employee welfare benefit plan as defined in section 3(1) of subtitle A of title I of the employee retirement income security act of 1974, Public Law 93-406, 29 USC 1002, to the extent that the plan provides medical care, including items and services paid for as medical care to employees or their dependents as defined under the terms of the plan directly or through insurance, reimbursement, or otherwise.

  • Family caregiver means a relative by blood, marriage, or Adoption who lives with or is the primary Caregiver of the terminally ill Member.

  • Behavioral health administration or "BHA" means