Farm pond means a body of water wholly on the lands of a single owner, or a group of joint owners, which does not have any connection with any public waters and which is less than ten surface acres.
Farm pond means a pond located on agricultural lands as defined in Section 193.461, F.S, used for agricultural activities as described in Section 403.927, F.S., and constructed, altered, maintained, and operated using the agricultural best management practices as provided in Section 403.927, F.S.
Farm pond means an open water depression created from a non-wetland site in connection with agricultural activities.
Examples of Farm pond in a sentence
E.g. structures like Farm pond (10% model) which do not appear in the schemes but are more appropriate to deal with longer dry spells.
Farm pond - components, site selection, design criteria, capacity, embankment, mechanical and emergency spillways, cost estimation and construction.
Under Arable land development works 50.1% beneficiary belong to Farm pond followed by 38.5% for Field bund and 11.4% for MPT/Tanka/Others.
Farm pond fish were collected on 6/19/81 and 6/22/81 by seining and hook-and-line respectively.
Scheme)52FFS/Demo plots – Rabi & Kharif (Ha)150.80BBF Soybean Plot (Ha)2,785PBBF Wheat Plot (Ha)1,057DSR Paddy Plot (Ha)92No. of Sprinkler Unit (through convergence of Govt.Scheme)9No. of Farm pond through convergence of Govt.
More Definitions of Farm pond
Farm pond means a pond that is accessory to a Farm. A Farm Pond shall be defined as the minimum size and number of impoundment(s), which is, or are reasonably required for the watering of livestock, the irrigation of crops, or other agricultural activities currently taking place on the subject property, as opposed to merely contemplated. This definition shall be construed so as to exclude from the meaning of "Farm Pond" impoundments which are essentially ornamental, or which are of such size, number, character, or location that their primary function is not the support of commercial agricultural operations.
Farm pond means any artificially created open water area used solely for the purpose of watering livestock.
Farm pond means a pond located on agricultural lands as defined in Section 193.461, F.S, used for agricultural activities as described in Section 403.927, F.S.,
Farm pond means a pond located on a farm, used for farm purposes, as determined by WMD rule.
Farm pond means a reservoir impounding less than 50 acre-feet of water with a dam less than 25 feet in height and a drainage area less than one square mile used for stock water and domestic use.
Farm pond means an open-water habitat of less than five acres and not contiguous with a stream, river,