FCSS Act definition
Examples of FCSS Act in a sentence
The Municipality shall comply with the FCSS Act and FCSS Regulation in the establishment, administration and operation of the FCSS Services, which includes the following: • The responsibilities of the Municipality as set out in section 2 of the FCSS Regulation; • Service requirements as set out in section 2.1 of the FCSS Regulation; and • Allowable and prohibited costs as set out in sections 3 and 4 of the FCSS Regulation.
Formulas shall indicate physical properties of the mixes as shown by tests made by a commercial laboratory, using materials identical to those to be provided on this project.
Under the FCSS Act and FCSS Regulation, communities design and deliver preventative social programs that promote and enhance well-being among individuals, families, and communities.
A decision made pursuant to an arbitration is binding on all parties and may be enforced on application to the Court of Queen’s Bench, and unless the bylaws otherwise provide there is no appeal from it.
The County and the Village of Rosalind are partners in an agreement for the provision of Camrose and District Support Services (CDSS) one of several hundred programs operated within the province under Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) which operates within Alberta Children’s Services via the provincial FCSS Act and Regulations.
Provincially, the FCSS Program receives its mandate from the FCSS Act and Regulation pursuant to that Act.
There were fewer (p=0.014) cells staining positively for collagen X than collagen II.
Within the legal mandate of the FCSS Act and Conditional Agreement Regulation, local FCSS programs may choose to play one or more of the following roles in their communities:Community development role -- FCSS acts as "social conscience" and "facilitator" in the community.
The County and the Village of Bittern Lake are partners in an agreement for the provision of Camrose and District Support Services (CDSS) one of several hundred programs operated within the province under Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) which operates within Alberta Children’s Services via the provincial FCSS Act and Regulations.
Service delivery may be affected by regulatory requirements or other Legislation, such as the FCSS Act, Library Act,Police Act, Public Lands Act, the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, agreements and provincial and federal laws.