Feeder Cattle definition
Examples of Feeder Cattle in a sentence
Notwithstanding that CME Live Cattle, Feeder Cattle and Lean Hogs futures and CBOT Corn, Soybean, Soybean Oil, Soybean Meal, Wheat and KC HRW Wheat futures are subject to daily price limits, market participants executing a trade in one of those products which is priced at a tick increment above or below the settlement price (negative 4 through negative 1 or positive 1 through positive 4) may result in a final trade price above or below the daily price limit.
In addition to this chapter, Feeder Cattle futures shall be subject to the general rules and regulations of the Exchange insofar as applicable.For purposes of this chapter, unless otherwise specified, times referred to herein shall refer to and indicate Chicago time.10201.
CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONSEach futures contract shall be valued at 50,000 pounds times the CME Feeder Cattle Index™.10202.
Table 9 includes, Platinum, frozen concentrated orange juice (FCOJ), Cocoa, Palladium, and Feeder Cattle, which are currently not part of the Index, but are used in calculating single-commodity Subindices as described in Appendix H.
Applicant Name:SSN:EIN:Insurance Agency Name:Agency Code:Spouse’s Name:Spouse’s SSN:Insurance Agent’s Name:Agent’s Code:Applicant is at least 18 Years Yes NoE-mail Address:E-mail address:Street or Mailing Address:Street or Mailing Address:City:State:Zip Code:City:State:Zip Code:County:Farm or Business Name:Phone:Phone:Fax:Crop Year:Class(es) of livestock or livestock product to be insured:Swine Feeder Cattle Fed CattleCommodity Code Completion Instructions: 1.
LRP Feeder Cattle insurance coverage prices and rates are based on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange's (CME) Feeder Cattle Contract, which is cash settled to the CME Feeder Cattle Index.
Additional umbrella or excess liability coverage in the amount of Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) in the aggregate, which shall include all coverages required by (ii), (iii), and (iv) hereof.
Because the CME Feeder Cattle futures prices are for steers of a certain type and weight, the LRP insurance plan for Feeder Cattle uses Price Adjustment Factors (PAF's) to calculate expected ending values, coverage prices, and actual ending values to adjust for select types and weights of feeder cattle, particularly for heifer, predominately Brahman and predominately dairy feeder cattle.
Dodge City, KS 700-800 Lb. Feeder Steer Basis Chicago Mercantile Exchange October Feeder Cattle Futures ReferencesDhuyvetter, K.C. and J.L. Parcells.
LRP sales will resume if and when there have been two (2) consecutive days without there being four (4) or more CME Feeder Cattle futures contracts equaling or exceeding the Daily Price Limit.