Self-service storage facility or "facility" means any real property designed or used for the purpose of renting or leasing individual storage space to tenants who are to have access to that space for the purpose of storing and removing personal property.
Self-service storage facility means any real property
Self-service storage facility means real property designed and used for the purpose of renting or leasing individual storage space to occupants who are to have access to the space for the purpose of storing personal property. If an operator issues a warehouse receipt, bill of lading, or other document of title for the personal property stored, the operator and occupant are subject to chapter 554, article 7, and this chapter does not apply.
More Definitions of Self-service storage facility
Self-service storage facility means any real property used for renting or leasing
Self-service storage facility means any real property used for renting or leasing individual storage spaces in which occupants customarily store and remove their personal property. The term does not include a garage used principally for parking motor vehicles; any property of a financial institution which contains vaults, safe deposit boxes, or other receptacles for the purposes and benefits of the financial institution's customers; or a warehouse or a public warehouse where warehouse receipts, bills of lading, or other documents of title are issued for the personal property stored.
Self-service storage facility means any real property designed and used for the
Self-service storage facility means any real property used for
Self-service storage facility means any real property designed and used for the purpose of renting or leasing individual storage space to occupants who are to have access to the space for the purpose of storing and removing personal property. No occupant may use a self‑service storage facility for residential purposes. A self‑service storage facility is not a warehouse within the meaning of Chapter 19 of Title 39 and the provisions of law relative to bonded public warehousemen do not apply to the owner of a self‑service storage facility. A self‑service storage facility is not a safe‑deposit box or vault maintained by banks, trust companies, or other financial entities.
Self-service storage facility means any real property that is designed and used only for the purpose of renting or leasing individual storage space in the facility under the following conditions:
Self-service storage facility means real property designed and used for the purpose of renting or leasing individual storage space to occupants who have access to the facility for the purpose of storing personal property.