fellow subsidiary definition
Examples of fellow subsidiary in a sentence
However, jobs executed for Subsidiary/Fellow subsidiary/Holding Company will be considered as experience for the purpose of meeting BEC subject to submission of tax paid invoice (s) duly certified by Statutory Auditor /Chartered Accountant of the bidder towards payments of statutory tax in support of the job executed for Subsidiary / Fellow subsidiary / Holding company.
However, jobs executed for Subsidiary / Fellow subsidiary/ Holding company will be considered as experience for the purpose of meeting BEC subject to submission of tax paid invoice(s) duly certified by statutory auditor of the bidder towards payments of statutory tax in support of the job executed for Subsidiary / Fellow subsidiary /Holding company.
However, jobs executed for Subsidiary / Fellow subsidiary / Holding company will be considered as experience for the purpose of meeting BEC subject to submission of tax paid invoice(s) duly certified by statutory auditor of the bidder towards payments of statutory taxes in support of the job executed for the Subsidiary / Fellow subsidiary / Holding company.
However, jobs executed for Subsidiary/Fellow subsidiary / Holding company will be considered as experience for the purpose of meeting BEC subject to submission of tax paid invoice(s) duly certified by Statutory Auditor of the bidder towards payments of statutory tax in support of the job executed for Subsidiary /Fellow subsidiary / Holding company.
However, jobs executed for Subsidiary / Fellow subsidiary / Holding company will be considered as experience for the purpose of meeting BEC subject to submission of tax paid invoice(s) duly certified by statutory auditor of the bidder towards payments of statutory tax in support of the job executed for Subsidiary / Fellow subsidiary /Holding company.
However, jobs executed for Subsidiary / Fellow subsidiary/ Holding company will be considered as experience for the purpose of meeting BEC subject to submission of tax paid invoice(s) duly certified by statutory auditor of the bidder towards payments of statutory tax in support of the job executed for Subsidiary / Fellow subsidiary/Holding company.
However, jobs executed for Subsidiary / Fellow subsidiary / Holding company will be considered as experience for the purpose of meeting BEC subject to submission of tax paid invoice(s) duly certified by Statutory Auditor of the bidder towards payments of statutory tax in support of the job executed for Subsidiary /Fellow subsidiary / Holding company.
Fellow subsidiary of the Company Shandong Hi-Speed Information Engineering Co., Ltd Fellow subsidiary of the CompanyShandong Hi-Speed Land Development Co., Ltd.
However, jobs executed for subsidiary/ Fellow subsidiary/ Holding Company shall be considered as experience for the purpose of meeting BEC subject to submission of tax paid invoices duly certified by Statutory Auditor of the Bidder towards payments of statutory tax in support of the job executed for subsidiary/ Fellow subsidiary/ Holding Company.
Loans ` in Lakhs As at 31.03.2022As at 31.03.2021Inter Corporate Loan #15,000.0015,000Given to Tata Steel Downstream Products Limited (Fellow subsidiary) for 180 days (March 31, 2021 for 90 days) to meet the working capital requirements of the company.