Female breast definition
Examples of Female breast in a sentence
Female breast cancer and alcohol consumption: a review of the literature.
Female breast cancer incidence is a burden globally and was the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths in 2019.
Female breast, prostate, lung and bronchus, and colon and rectum cancers were the leading diagnosed cancers among all gender and races combined.
CY 2017: Female breast cancer and cervical cancer incidence rates; these come from the Mississippi Cancer Registry, and CY 2017 is currently the most recent available.
THE COSTS OF CENSORSHIP Female breast censorship is normatively harmful.
Female breast censorship ensures concealment, which makes it more difficult for female breasts to shed their sexual character.Eroticized body parts are not necessarily harmful.
Female breast cancer incidence rates and trends, death rates and trends, and late-stage rates and trends.
Female breast cancer was the leading cause of alcohol- attributable cancer death, making up 61.1% of all alcohol-attributable cancer deaths in women, 14.0% of total breast cancer deaths under 80 years of age and 2.6% of all cancer deaths in New Zealand women under 80 years of age in that year.
The engineers provided insights into the team mem- bers’ personal experiences with the NPD process implementation, while the managers discussed information flows between management and team members and how managers ensure NPD implementation aligns with SBU strategy.
Female breast hypertrophy, or macromastia, is the development of abnormally large breasts in the female.