Examples of Female in a sentence
Full name (Please print): _ Last First Full Middle Name Telephone#: _ Email: Social Security Number: Date of Birth: Driver's License #: Issuing State: Sex: □ Male □ Female Ethnicity: □ Black Start Date End Date □ Hispanic □ Other _ I understand the information I am providing about age, sex, and ethnicity will not be used to determine eligibility for employment but will be used solely for the purpose of obtaining criminal history record information.
Female subjects were not pregnant or lactating, had a regular menstrual cycle or were postmenopausal.
I found myself increasingly compelled by the intersex critique of medicalization, touched by the depth of the activist response to the profound social, familial, and personal stigma and physical and psychic trauma caused by unnecessary infant genital surgeries, and interested in exploring the 18 Xxxx Xxxxxx-Xxxxxxxx, ―The Five Sexes: Why Male and Female Are Not Enough,‖ The Sciences (March- April, 1993): 20-24.
Female subjects of non-childbearing potential, defined as being permanently sterile (ie, due to hysterectomy, bilateral tubal ligation, bilateral salpingectomy, bilateral oophorectomy, or confirmed tubal occlusion more than 6 months prior to Day 1) or post-menopausal (defined as at least 12 months post-cessation of menses without an alternative medical cause).
The categories used are: Gender: • Female • Male • Others • Prefer not to say Self-declared disability (Do you consider yourself to have any disability?): • Yes • No • Prefer not to say The British Council will conduct regular monitoring and evaluation, including the commission of independent evaluations for selected activities of strategic importance to the project.