Examples of FERC Form 715 in a sentence
This requirement may be met by submitting FERC Form 715, as adopted in Docket No. RM93-10-00, in effect October 30, 1993.(15) A description of the utility's effort to develop and improve the methodology and the data for evaluating a resource (supplyside or demand-side) option's contribution to system wide reliability.
A description of the Participating TO’s transmission assessment practices for completing a System Impact Study is provided in the Participating TO’s FERC Form 715.
This requirement may be met by submitting FERC Form 715, as adopted in Docket No. RM93-10-00, in effect October 30, 1993.(13)(11) A description of reliability criteria for transmission planning as well as the assessment practice used.
This requirement may be met by submitting FERC Form 715, as adopted in Docket No. RM93-10-00, in effect October 30, 1993.
The power flow data bases provided shall be those that the NYISO submitted with the most recent FERC Form 715 Report prior to the request.
This requirement may be met by submitting FERC Form 715, as adopted in Docket No. RM93-10-00, in effect October 30, 1993.(15) A description of the utility’s effort to develop and improve the methodology and the data for evaluating a resource (supplyside or demand-side) option’s contribution to system wide reliability.
AEP planning criteria require that the transmission system meet performance parameters prescribed in the AEP FERC Form 715 and Connection Requirements for AEP Transmission System.
The criteria, standards and guides referenced below are contained in the FERC Form 715 filings of VELCO and the ISO.
For example, FERC Form 715 does not contain data needed to conduct stability, short circuit, other transmission studies, resource adequacy studies, and economic evaluation analysis.
The DEF System voltages are normally maintained within the limits specified in DEF’s annual FERC Form 715 filing.