Examples of Field burning in a sentence
RN positions which are available for house-wide recruitment at OHSU shall be posted at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the application deadline.
Field burning of crop straws is common both in rural agricultural regions and peri-urban areas in China which is used to control weeds, reduce pests and clear land inexpensively.
Field burning in Jefferson and Union counties is controlled through smoke management programs established by county ordinance and operated at that level.
A.103.F Field burning of agricultural residues – CH4 and N2OEstonia reports the field burning of agricultural residues (CRF table 3.F) as “NO” for the entire time series on the basis of (1) an expert judgment from the Ministry of Rural Affairs for the period 19902004 and (2) legislation for the remainder of the time series (NIR, p.278).
Field burning of agriculture residue and waste appears an important source for all species and especially for particulate matter.
Stubble Field (burning stubble fields will not be approved)No Yes SECTION 3 PRECAUTIONS Items answered as “No” in the following section will be cause to refuse issuance of the burning permit.5. Do you understand your obligations under the Town of Coaldale Community Standards Bylaw # 725-R-03-17?Yes No 6.
Field burning permits are renewed annually; orchard waste burn permits are every three years.
Field burning of agricultural waste is a separate reporting category in national inventories.
The European Environmental Agency (2016) classifies the emission factors from agriculture in the following categories:● Manure management ● Crop production and agricultural soils● Agriculture including use of pesticides● Field burning of agricultural residues For each one of these categories, emission factors from main pollutants and the related activity data (AD) is defined in order to calculate emissions.
Field burning practices by inhabitants on the edge of the CEZ and in resettled areas cause spring grass fires, while fires in forested areas are caused by industrial and other human activities later in the summer when forest fuel moistures decline.