Filling definition

Filling means any depositing or stockpiling of earth materials.
Filling means the deposition, by any means, of materials in wetlands or other surface waters, as delineated in Section 373.421(1), F.S. [Section 373.403(14), F.S.]
Filling means the placement of any soil or solid material either organic or inorganic on a natural ground surface or an excavation.

Examples of Filling in a sentence

  • The teacher(s) deemed to be most surplus based upon the educational needs of the school and the qualifications of the teachers will be subject to surplus reassignment, provided that the remaining teachers have the required qualifications as per Article E.23.2.a and E.23.2.b (Filling Vacant Positions).

  • Teachers from a school which is to close as a result of the building of a new school, who do not wish to teach at the new school, shall be reassigned pursuant to Article E.23 (Posting and Filling Vacant Positions).

  • None CONTENTS: Executive Design Profession Agreement for CM At-Risk Delivery FOR USE WITH: CM/Contractor Agreement COMPLETED BY:  Filling in  Adding Text No Data Required ITS USE IS:  Required Optional NOTE: To use the electronic file of this document, you must go to the “Tools” pull down menu in Microsoft Word, select “Options,” select the “View” tab, and then put a check in the box “Hidden text.” Most instructions and alternate language is displayed in hidden text.

  • Article E.21.9 (Filling Vacant Positions) shall not apply to such positions.

  • In the event, no Adult Education Teacher volunteers for a reduction in their assignment then the Adult Education Teacher with the least seniority will have the fraction of their assignment reduced provided the remaining teachers have the required qualifications as per Article E.23.2 (Filling Vacant Positions).

More Definitions of Filling

Filling means the deposit by artificial means of any materials, organic or inorganic.
Filling means either the displacement of saline waters by the depositing into critical areas of soil, sand, gravel, shells or other material or the artificial alteration of water levels or water currents by physical structure, drainage ditches or otherwise.
Filling means the act of transporting or placing by any manual or mechanical means fill material from, to, or on any soil surface, including temporary stockpiling of fill material.
Filling means the deposition, by any means, of materials in surface waters or wetlands, as delineated in Section 373.421(1), F.S.
Filling means the act of transporting or placing (by any manner or mechanism) fill material from, to, or on any surface water body or wetland, soil surface, sediment surface, or other fill material.
Filling means the act of transporting or placing (by any manner or mechanism) fill materials from, to, or on any soil surface, sediment surface, or other fill materials.
Filling means the placement of natural sands, dirt, soil or rock above the natural grade to raise the elevation of the ground. Fill may also include concrete, cement, soil cement, brick or similar material as approved on a case-by-case basis.