Fill means the addition of soil, sand, rock, gravel, sediment, earth retaining structure, or other material to an area waterward of the OHWM, in wetlands, or on shorelands in a manner that raises the elevation or creates dry land.
Fill means the placement of earth material or aggregate for road or landing construction or other similar activities.
Examples of Fill in a sentence
Initial here to enroll in an annual maintenance plan: I will be paying by: (Check One) Company Check (US Company Checks only) Bank Transfer (Contact Black Ice Sales Department for account information, a fee of $35 applies) Credit Card (Please Fill in below.
Fill vacancy by a vote during an open meeting of the Board before the 60th day (105 ILCS 5/10-10, amended by P.A. 101-67, eff.
Explanation Fill vacancy by a vote during an open meeting of the Board before the 60th day (105 ILCS 5/10-10).
More Definitions of Fill
Fill means any placed material that changes the natural grade, increases the elevation, or diminishes the flood storage capacity at the site.
Fill means the introduction of VOL into a storage vessel but not necessarily to complete capacity.
Fill means earth or any other substance or material, including pilings placed for the purposes of erecting structures thereon, placed in a submerged area.
Fill means material deposited, placed, pushed, pulled or transported to a place other than the place from which it originated.
Fill means replacing portions of surface water with upland, or changing the bottom elevation of a surface water for any purpose, by placement of any pollutant or material including but not limited to rock, sand, earth, and man-made materials and debris.
Fill means any kind of material in solid form (whether or not naturally occurring) capable of being deposited at a place but does not include material that forms a part of, or is associated with, a structure constructed in a watercourse, wetland or spring including a bridge, road, causeway, pipeline, rock revetment, drain outlet works, erosion prevention structure or fence.
Fill means the placement of earth material or aggre- gate for road or landing construction or other similar activi- ties.