Critical Areas. (1) The existing ecological functions and ecosystem-wide processes of critical areas should be protected.
(2) Human uses and values that are compatible with the protection of the existing ecological functions and ecosystem-wide processes of critical areas, such as public access and aesthetic values, should be promoted provided that impacts to ecological functions are first avoided, and any unavoidable impacts are mitigated.
Critical Areas. There are no critical areas on the Property. Boeing Creek is a piped stream within the N. 000xx Xxxxxx right-of-way, requiring a 10-foot buffer. SMC 20.80.
Critical Areas. (i) An analysis of the suitability of the proposed development on the subject property. (ii) Inventory and analysis of critical areas and potential impacts. Consistency with the critical areas regulations, found in this title, shall be addressed, and any required studies or mitigation measures shall be provided; Xxxxx see the SEPA checklist and the supplemental information provided within Appendix E for this information. (J) Design Standards. (i) Type and range of uses authorized for any structure or development; (ii) Architectural and design requirements for structures; (iii) Bulk, design and dimensional standards; (iv) Draft resource management plan, which identifies how the resource lands and critical areas will be managed; The project narrative and supplemental Appendix information for this project address how we meet each of these requirements. Uses: Our project goal is to provide a variety of recreational, residential, and commercial uses consistent with the purpose and intent of CCC 14.18. A full use table has been provided within the project narrative and will ultimately be part of the Development Agreement. Design: In terms of design, the use of concrete, timbers, steel, xxxxx, regional materials, basalts, and the palette of the natural environment are all a part of the scope of imagery and the basis of design efforts. To mitigate volumes and excess height/unnecessary volumes of structure, lower pitched roofs, referencing traditional alpine designs will be used in order to maintain snow volumes on roofs, and to mitigate solar exposures while not compromising views. Base area experiences will be in the form of open spaces proportional in scale activated by its adjacency to recreational activities. Ultimately, the architectural experience of the project will be contingent on a design strategy engaging the natural environment, unique takes on architectural form, to pursue something new, and fresh engaging modernist design aesthetic rooted in a deep NW palette in an attempt at being its own identity. Bulk, design, and dimensional standards: A table has been provided within the project narrative that outlines the proposed bulk, design, and dimensional requirements for the project and will ultimately be part of the Development Agreement. Resource Management Plan: A full wildlife and critical areas assessment along with numerous other studies and information has been provided within Appendix E of this application.
Critical Areas. The boundaries and categories of critical areas, as shown on the scaled map at Sheet of the PCI Plan in Exhibit C are based on actual field data presented in EIS. The City and Owner agree to the boundaries, categories, and information set forth on Sheet of Exhibit “C”. Critical areas and their buffers may be modified from those shown on Sheet , Exhibit “C” only as allowed by the conditions of PCI Plan approval (including any deviations), and otherwise only in compliance with the City’s Critical Areas Ordinance (“CAO”) as codified as Ch. 19.12 of the SMC.
Critical Areas. Areas such as locker rooms, gear rooms, trash rooms, sink rooms, mop rooms, storage areas, wire closets, toilet rooms, kitchens and loading docks are considered to require concentrated attention. Such areas shall receive intensive preventive treatments for the life of the Agreement. Any other space within the walls of any structure covered by the Agreement that may lend itself to the development of large insect populations shall receive intensive preventive control measures.
Critical Areas. Deleted: the extent feasible Deleted: the City’s Critical Areas regulations
Critical Areas. Boeing Creek is a piped stream within the Property, requiring a 10-foot buffer. SMC 20.80.
Critical Areas. Describe areas of the site with potential serious erosion problems. For example: steep slopes, stream banks, shoreline, channels, wet weather, underground springs.
Critical Areas. The City and Port adopt the critical area regulations for application to Port projects as set forth in the Development Standards included as Attachment X- 0 to Exhibit A.
Critical Areas. The City will maintain development regulations to protect critical areas consistent with the GMA.