Examples of Final Outputs in a sentence
Such performance shall be measured by verifiable and sustainable indicators based on their Major Final Outputs (MFOs), commitments to the President supportive of the priorities under EO 43, s.
The Agency Mandate, Program Thrusts and Major Final Outputs shall be the basis of the targets of the Office.
Attached as PRA- SPMS Form-2 is the form on PRA Major Final Outputs and Strategic Priorities for each calendar year.
NEDA and DBM are continuously working together to ensure coherence between the national targets/priorities (RM) and agency deliverables or Major Final Outputs (OPIF), so that budgeting for the latter is anchored on the RM objective and targets.
The university has been implementing a Strategic Performance Management System wherein Major Final Outputs (MFOs) and success indicators are used in setting measurable targets consistent with the strategic priorities and strategic plan of the university.
The DOF – SPMS process consists of four stages: • Target-Setting and Commitment Offices set performance objectives that are aligned to the DOF’s Major Final Outputs and other key priority areas.
Milestone:Timing:First Consultation Workshop – Review of the existing policy statements2 weeks after agreement of the TOR.Second consultation Workshop –discussion of Inception report and finalise policy statements.6 weeks after firstconsultation meeting.Third Consultation Workshop – Discussion6 weeks after second on Strategies and action plans.consultation workshop.Submit Final Outputs (Policy statements, strategies and action plans to ED).6 weeks after the third consultation workshop.
DFIMDP produced different projects and activities under the Major Final Outputs of DA: (1) Marketing and Development Services, (2) Irrigation Development Services,(3) Post-harvest Development Services and Other Infrastructure, (4) Extension Support, Education and Training Services, (5) Information Support Services, and (6) Policy Formulation, Planning, and Advocacy Services.
Furthermore, partnership and coordination with other stakeholders were continuously done to ensure effective and efficient delivery of services to the disadvantaged and marginalized sector in the Region towards the attainment of the Major Final Outputs (MFOs) based on the given Thrust and Directions and to complement resources of the government and ensure good governance in the different programs of the region.
Major Final Outputs and its indicators were identified and targets for FY 2013-2014 for each of these were agreed upon by both parties.