Output definition
Output means the exposure rate, dose rate, or a quantity related in a known manner to these rates from a brachytherapy source or a teletherapy, remote afterloader, or gamma stereotactic radiosurgery unit for a specified set of exposure conditions.
Output means the exposure rate, dose rate, or a quantity related in a known manner to these rates from a teletherapy unit for a specified set of exposure conditions.
Output means the Goods and / or Services as is relevant;
Examples of Output in a sentence
Further, due to the nature of an AI System, the Output may not be unique across users and the Honeywell AI may generate or return the same or similar Output to other customers, Honeywell or a third party.
More Definitions of Output
Output means all energy produced by the Facility.
Output means any and all data, scores, results, reports, documents, specifications, flags, models, attributes, software, leads and other materials and information (and all updates of them) in any form to be made available to the Client by or on behalf of TransUnion, including the output from the Services and such output as is described in this Agreement, whether or not appended to the Input.
Output means electricity Generated and/or water Desalinated by a Production Facility;
Output means the deliverables generated by the action determined in accordance with sector-specific rules;
Output means the data in electronic or other format containing the results generated by using the Licensed Software.
Output means all energy produced by the Facility. “Output Guarantee” is defined in Section 6.12.1. "Output Shortfall" is defined in Section 6.12.2.
Output means all Capacity associated with Contract Capacity and associated Energy made available from the Facility, as well as any Capacity Attributes, Green Attributes, or other attributes existing now or in the future associated with Contract Capacity and/or associated Energy. “Output” does not include production or investment tax credits associated with the construction or operation of the Facility and other financial incentives in the form of credits, grants, reductions, or allowances associated with the Facility that are applicable to a state or federal income taxation obligation.