Examples of Fire bomb in a sentence
Examples include: • Technical failure causing no serious injury but significant disruption • Civil unrest causing risk to staff and / or property (i.e. riots) • Enforcement authority serves notices that stop activity • Regional conflicts, civil unrest, or any immediate evacuation requirement; • Fire, bomb threat, earthquake with no injuries or permanent structural damage or an incident that might have significant reputational impact.
Theselife threatening situations are foreseeable and there should be plans for dealing circumstances with: Cardiac or respiratory arrest Collapsed patients and staff in a range of situations Fire, bomb and other evacuations Hazard Something with potential to cause harm.
The Nordic building industry and fire protection community has also been advocating the performance approach, particularly in Sweden.
Proper procedures to be taken during the following described emergencies: Fire, bomb, first aid, security, evacuation, and flood.
Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) This document is to be completed ONLY for individuals that have a permanent or temporary disability that would affect their ability to evacuate a premises in the event of an incident i.e. Fire, bomb threat.
Examples: Fire, bomb threat, building evacuation, hostage situation, natural gas or propane leak, chemical spill, power failure in multiple buildings, entrapment in building or equipment, winter storm or tornado warning.
The third low angle strafe pass for the A-10 is a simulated bombing run and will be referred to as the bomb pass—this will be the Wall of Fire bomb pass.
Fire, bomb threats, attempts to force access to the EOC, and other matters of physical security will be handled in accordance with the USARC Physical Security SOP.3-6.
A building emergency can develop for a number of causes: Fire, bomb threat, earthquake, structural fault, leakage of gas or chemical and others.