Firm Scheme Grant definition
Examples of Firm Scheme Grant in a sentence
Where the result of that recalculation is a lower Firm Scheme Grant figure than that set out in the Firm Scheme Details, Homes England will notify the Grant Recipient and the Grant Recipient will have twenty (20) Business Days from the date of receipt of Homes England's notification to advise Homes England as to whether it wishes to withdraw the Firm Scheme from this Agreement or proceed with it on the basis of the recalculated Firm Scheme Grant figure or to withdraw the proposed a Pre-First Claim Change.
In the case of the Recovery Events listed in limbs (a), (c) and (d) of the definition of Recovery Event, the Recoverable Amount shall be a sum equivalent to the Firm Scheme Grant paid in relation to the affected Firm Scheme.
If Homes England exercises its right under Clause 16.1.1 (Adjustments to Final Tranche), Homes England will notify the Grant Recipient and the Grant Recipient will have ten (10) Business Days from the date of receipt of Homes England's notification to advise Homes England as to whether it wishes to withdraw the Firm Scheme from this Agreement or to proceed with the Firm Scheme on the basis of the recalculated Firm Scheme Grant figure.
Following the resale of the initial share, recoverable Firm Scheme Grant should be calculated according to the percentage of the share sold compared to the total grant/grant permitted to be applied under this Agreement used to fund the repurchase.
For these purposes, Firm Scheme Grant funded property includes one in which the Grant Recipient was permitted to reapply grant which would otherwise have been repayable under this Agreement.
The Grant Recipient shall ensure that for each Firm Scheme it and each Grant Recipient Affiliate keeps on an Open Book Basis (in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice) separate books of account for items relating to the AHP Housing which identify the Firm Scheme Grant and such other items required under this Clause 12 (Review, Monitoring and Reporting).
If Homes England: accepts a Pre-First Claim Change in principle, it shall be entitled to recalculate the Firm Scheme Grant allocated to the Firm Scheme by reference to the proposed change.
If any Firm Scheme Grant is found to constitute Unlawful Subsidy and/or is not capable of being restructured so as to be compliant then the Grant Recipient must repay any sum of Unlawful Subsidy plus such interest as is prescribed by the United Kingdom Competition Requirement within ten (10) Business Days of Homes England issuing it with a written demand for payment.
Any surveyor so appointed shall use his professional skill and judgement in determining a fair and reasonable apportionment of the Firm Scheme Grant in relation to the land and buildings being disposed of.
Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement: Homes England shall only provide Firm Scheme Grant to the extent that such does not give rise to Unlawful Subsidy; and the Grant Recipient must comply with the requirements of the United Kingdom Competition Requirement (where applicable) in respect of any Firm Scheme Grant paid.